A wonderful blend of herbs that nourish the liver and kidneys and help promote the excretion of waste from cellular activity. While helping the liver remove the buildup of toxic chemicals absorbed from processed foods and our environment. This blend of dandelion root and leaves, nettles leaves, red clover flower and leaves, and yarrow flower is truly all natural.
Dandelion Root & Leaf – strong liver tonic and diuretic
Nettles Leaf – strong anti-inflammatory and reduces allergic reactions
Red Clover Flower & Leaf – boosts immunity and helps body prevent infection
Yarrow Flower – promotes liver function and healing of tissue damage
Together these herbs work synergistically to improve waste removal functions.
One reason our immune systems are compromised is because of the increasing buildup of man-made chemicals in our environment. We can reduce our intake of some of them through healthier choices, definitely not all of them. Our environment, or everything we come into contact with (air, water, yard, furniture, clothing, utensils, appliances, etc), is filled with toxins that we can do nothing about.
Going beyond self isolation we can help our bodies remain strong in any environment, with any exposure, simply by nourishing them. This is where Mother Jai’s all natural Detox Tea comes in. The plants mixed in this tea are known to be nourishing, supportive, strengthening and healing to the body’s waste removal systems. In other words, drinking this tea, even once a week, can help the body remove toxins and be healthier and stronger overall, no matter your health status when you start drinking it.
As with any detoxifier, to avoid dehydration, you must increase your water consumption to help the body flush out the toxins when removed from the body’s cells. Most commonly the fat cells. One benefit for some while drinking this tea is weight loss, simply because you’re increasing your water consumption (automatically reduces fat storage through proper hydration) and because you’re removing toxins from the body (usually stored in the fat cells).
Juniper berries actually aren’t berries at all. They are female seed cones that come from juniper plants — a type of conifer (Pinophyta), which is a cone-bearing plant or tree. Juniper plants vary in appearance and can grow low and wide like a shrub or tall like a tree. Their uniquely fleshy, merged scales make them look like a berry, thus the name.
In addition to their slightly misleading name, juniper berries are also not a berry you would generally eat with breakfast, like blueberries (even though they’re similar in size). Instead, juniper berries are often used as a bitter spice. In fact, they give gin its distinctive flavor. Juniper berries are officially the only spice to come from a conifer tree.
You will find Juniper Berry in Mother Jai’s Products, click below to shop.
Bath & Body Oils – 8oz Bottle
Add natural moisture and aroma to any bath. Simply pour and enjoy!
One of the major uses of these berries is in juniper berry essential oil. Known in folk medicine and some modern research as a natural antiseptic and antioxidant, the essential oil of juniper berries is a popular therapeutic oil. It’s also one of the essential oils the FDA approves for limited internal use.
Juniper is used for digestion problems including upset stomach, intestinal gas (flatulence), heartburn, bloating, and loss of appetite, as well as gastrointestinal (GI) infections and intestinal worms. It is also used for urinary tract infections (UTIs) and kidney and bladder stones. Other uses include treating snakebite, diabetes, and cancer.
Juniper Essential Oil Uses
Colds, flu, acne, cellulitis, gout, hemorrhoids, obesity, rheumatism, toxin build-up. [Julia Lawless, The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Essential Oils (Rockport, MA: Element Books, 1995), 58-61.]
The essential oil of juniper is obtained through steam distillation of the needles, wood and powdered fruits of juniper, bearing the scientific name Juniperus communis.
Major Constituents: a-Pinene, Sabinene, B-Myrcene, Terpinene-4-ol, (+)-Limonene, B-Pinene, Gamma-Terpinene, Delta-3-Carene, a-Terpinene. See Essential Oil Safety for more complete list of constituents. [H. Schilcher, D. Emmrich, C. Koehler. Gas Chromatographischer Verleich von Atherischen Wacholderolen und Deren Toxikologische Bewertung. (Pharmazeutische Zeitung 138, 1993), 85-91. Source cited in Robert Tisserand and Rodney Young, Essential Oil Safety (Second Edition. United Kingdom: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2014), 314.]
Blending: Juniper essential oil blends well with the essential oils of Bergamot, Cedar Wood, Cypress, Grapefruit, Geranium, Lavandin, Lavender, Lavandin, Lime, Lemon, Lemongrass, and Vetiver.
Benefits of Juniper Berries:
Relieve Oxidative Stress and Prevent Disease: juniper berries are full of antioxidants that help your body prevent and fight disease by relieving oxidative stress caused by too many free radicals in your system. They contain 87 different distinct bioflavonoids.
Natural Antiseptic: strong antibacterial and antifungal qualities. Powerfully destroys black mold (aspergillus), candida and staphylococcus, kills antibiotic resistant strains, and eliminates bacteria and reduces inflammation in the mouth without toxic side effects.
Improves Skin Conditions: juniper berries, specifically in essential oil form, is to treat skin issues like rash or eczema. The antioxidants they contain are probably one major reason this can be effective. Helps treat skin pigmentation disorders like vitiligo. The essential oil of juniper berries has also been used for some time to reduce the appearance of cellulite, a harmless cosmetic issue involving fatty deposits that are often found on the thighs, hips and buttocks.
Helps Improve Digestion: Juniper berries have long been considered a digestive aid in folk medicine, but few studies have examined these effects at length. Because they function as diuretics, juniper berries can help relieve bloating in some cases.
Aids in Restful Sleep: juniper berry essential oil as a relaxant and has a positive impact on brain chemistry, encouraging rest.
Effective Against Cancer: juniper berry essential oil or extract has been found to cause apoptosis (cell death) in a drug-resistant strain of leukemia, HepG2 (liver cancer) cells and p53 (neuroblastoma) cells.
Good for Heart Health: due in part to its antioxidant qualities, juniper berries can help to improve heart function. For example, juniper berry essential oil has been found to reduce high blood pressure in animal studies, related to the antioxidants it contains. A similar study stated juniper berry’s function as a natural diuretic (in its original or essential oil form) also contributes to its blood pressure-lowering activity. Juniper berries also function as an “anticholinesterase agent.” This is important for heart function because anticholinesterase agents (natural or pharmaceutical) help to build up acetylcholine in the nervous system, which in turn can slow heart action, lower blood pressure, increase blood flow and induce contractions of the heart.
Should Be Part of Diabetic Diet Plan: An ethanol extract and a tea of juniper berries seem to have the potential to reduce high blood sugar in diabetic rats. Juniper berry essential oil also seems to limit the amount of malondialdehyde produced by animal bodies. Although malondialdehyde’s role in diabetes isn’t understood entirely, its concentration is much higher in people with diabetes (and cancer).
Relieves Pain: is numbing when applying to painful joints and muscles to relieve pain and inflammation.
Fights Arthritis: Juniper essential oil promotes and improves blood circulation. It also helps in the removal of toxins like uric acid from the body. Both of these properties help fight ailments like rheumatism, arthritis, gout, and renal calculi, all of which are related to improper circulation and the accumulation of toxins in the body. This essential oil also relieves swelling.
Relieves Cramps: Juniper essential oil is also effective in nearly all forms of cramps, whether it is muscular, intestinal, respiratory or any other area. It relaxes muscle cramps and helps cure spasmodic cholera as well. Being an antispasmodic, it helps cure many other problems related to cramps or spasms.
Improves Breathing: reduces inflammation in respiratory tissues and improves breathing.
Relieves Stress and Improves Emotions: is calming and helps to ease stress without imparting the sedative effects that clary sage and the chamomiles are known for. Spiritually, Juniper Berry Essential Oil used in a room mist, diffuser or candle burner cleanses and purifies the air. It is a good choice for use during prayer or meditation.
Insect Repellent: like citronella oil, the scent of juniper may naturally repel bugs like mosquitoes according to scientific research. Spray it on your clothes, mix it with a carrier oil and massage into your skin, or diffuse it indoors and outdoors to purify the air and help prevent bug bites. You can even include it in your own homemade bug spray.
Might Reduce Cellulite: You can also use juniper oil as a cellulite remedy. It may help to reduce the appearance of cellulite thanks to active components like alpha-pinene, sabinene and juniperene. Add 100 percent therapeutic grade juniper berry essential oil to grapefruit cellulite cream to decrease cellulite.
Promotes Sweating: A sudorific substance is an agent which can bring about heavy sweating or perspiration. This is nothing to get annoyed at. The occasional perspiration makes you feel lighter and healthier and helps in the removal of toxins, excess salt, and water through sweat. This cleans the skin pores and openings of sweat and sebum glands, which prevents acne and other skin diseases.
Healing Tonic: Have you ever heard of health tonics? Have you had any? Juniper oil is also considered a tonic, because it tones up everything, including the muscles, tissues, skin, and various other systems inside the body. This includes the respiratory, circulatory, nervous, digestive, and excretory systems. This tonic effect helps retain youth for a long time and maintains proper health for all your years.
Speeds Up Healing Process: If a diluted solution of this oil is applied on wounds or blended with a skin cream and applied, it helps your wounds heal faster and keeps them protected from infections. This oil is equally beneficial in healing internal wounds, cuts, and ulcers.
Other Benefits: It disinfects air and helps cure kidney stones, inflammation, urinary tract infections, acne, eczema, other skin diseases, dandruff, and enlargement of the prostate gland.
Uses of Juniper Berry Oil
The fresh and calming aroma of juniper berry oil is widely renowned for relieving stress and anxiety. When diffused, it can also cleanse and purify the air. If you want to use juniper berry oil to get its healing and calming effects, try these methods:
Vapor therapy. Use a burner or vaporizer to diffuse the oil, which helps relieve emotional issues, such as addiction, nervous tension and hangovers.
Massage oil or added to bath water. This works well for pain relief, such as for arthritis, pain in passing urine, swollen joints, gout and muscle fatigue.
Add to lotions and creams. Try this for skin-related problems, such as oily skin, acne, dermatitis, psoriasis and weeping eczema.
Use in a compress. Ideal for eczema, arthritis and general infections.
Juniper Berry Tea: by adding 1 cup of boiling water to 1 tablespoon of juniper berries, covering, and allowing the berries to steep for 20 minutes. The usual dosage is 1 cup twice a day. However, juniper is said to work better as a treatment for bladder infections when combined with other herbs. Combination products should be taken according to label instructions.
Juniper Berry Oil: made by steam distilling the berries. However, you can make your own infused berry oil at home. Here’s a step-by-step procedure from Lisa Lise:9
Put juniper berries in a clean and sterilized jar. Fill at least three-quarters of the container.
Fill the jar with your oil of choice. Choose a safe oil, such as olive oil or coconut oil.
Close the lid tightly and place the jar in a cool and dark place. Give it a good shake every day for four to six weeks.
Note: Check the jar regularly for any unpleasant smell, which may indicate bacterial growth. If it smells strange, throw it out and make a fresh batch.
Juniper, juniper berry, and juniper extract are LIKELY SAFE when consumed in normal food amounts.
Juniper is POSSIBLY SAFE for most adults when taken by mouth in medicinal amounts short-term, when inhaled appropriately as a vapor, or when applied to the skin in small areas. Using juniper on the skin can cause some side effects including irritation, burning, redness, and swelling. Avoid using it on large skin wounds.
Taking juniper by mouth long-term or in a high dose is LIKELY UNSAFE as it can cause kidney problems, seizures, and other serious side effects.
First, pregnant women should never consume juniper berries in whole or essential oil form as it may potentially cause damage to the unborn child or force uterine contractions. Juniper is also not recommended for those with poor kidney function.
It is possible to develop an allergic reaction to juniper berries, which could manifest with skin issues (like a rash) or breathing issues. If you experience any of those conditions after using juniper berries, discontinue use and consult your doctor immediately.
Juniper berries may also interact negatively with certain medications, according to a 2014 study. The berries seem to inhibit a drug metabolizing enzyme in the human body known as CYP3A4. This enzyme metabolizes about half of the drugs on the pharmaceutical market, while the other half of medicines actually inhibit the enzyme.
There is a fairly extensive list of medications that could result in toxicity when taken in conjunction with juniper berries. If you are taking any medications, you should first consult with your doctor before using juniper berries or juniper berry essential oil.
Surgery: Juniper might affect blood sugar levels, making blood sugar control more difficult during and after surgery. Stop using juniper at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.
Along with the unique aroma and taste, jasmine tea has many beneficial qualities that help to reduce stress and heart attack and improve the digestive system. Let’s take a look at them in detail.
Weight Loss: Everyone is looking for the secret to reduce their weight easily and quickly, and jasmine tea can be a good addition to any diet as an aid in weight loss. The antioxidant properties of jasmine tea help to increase your metabolism. This increase in the metabolic efficiency makes your exercise effective and helps your body to process the nutrients quicker. Faster or more efficient metabolism helps with weight loss, but it must be used in addition to other weight loss techniques, as a complementary element, not as a stand-alone solution.
You will find Jasmine Flowers in Mother Jai’s Herbal Tea Blends.
Herbal Tea Blend – 4oz Bag
Herbal remedies to use instead of over-the-counter chemicals.
Antioxidant Properties: Perhaps the most praised aspect of jasmine tea is the high level of antioxidants in this delicate and delicious beverage. The most notable antioxidants found in jasmine tea are catechins. Green tea is the most commonly used base flavor for jasmine tea, but depending on which type of tea is used as a base, different antioxidant properties can be accessed. For example, black tea has high levels of theaflavins, while green tea has high levels of catechins.
Antioxidants work within the body to detect and destroy harmful agents or free radicals that can cause diseases and compromise the immune system. Catechins, as mentioned above, are the antioxidants most jasmine tea users are seeking, since they have been shown to be integral in preventing certain serious diseases in the body.
Protects Heart Health: For those with a personal or family history of cardiovascular issues, jasmine tea can be a huge help in preventing further problems. The catechins found in jasmine tea are a key factor in inhibiting LDL-oxidation, which is when “bad” cholesterol in your arteries gets inflamed after being oxidized. This inflammation of veins and arteries can lead to heart attack or stroke. The catechins found in jasmine tea inhibit this oxidizing process, so blood pressure and cholesterol levels decrease, and long-term threats like heart diseases can be prevented.
Prevents Cancer: The fight against cancer is one of the unifying health problems around the world, so anything that can help prevent cancer is always popular. Research studies suggest that consumption of tea, such as jasmine tea, may help in preventing cancer. All the green teas made of jasmine have been widely shown to have cancer preventive properties, because they contain polyphenols, like epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). Polyphenols like EGCG are key lines of defense against free radicals and other harmful or carcinogenic invaders in the body. Green/Jasmine tea has been shown to reduce risks of breast cancer, lung cancer, and many other diseases.
Besides the addition of EGCG to the system, elements of green tea also inhibit the overexpression of dangerous enzymes commonly found in cancerous tumors and cells.
Controls Diabetes: In the fight against diabetes, jasmine tea has shown itself to be a valuable tool. The ability to metabolize glucose is the fundamental mechanism that causes diabetic conditions. Drinking jasmine/green tea can reverse the negative effects that diabetes has on certain serum proteins, working as a regulator for those with diabetes, and as a preventive measure for those not diagnosed but still consuming it as a regular part of their health regimen.
Relieves Stress: The olfactory system is often something we overlook, but it can be a very powerful sense, and studies have shown that the odor of jasmine can be very beneficial to certain test subjects. Those test subjects who have a natural predilection for the smell of jasmine have a parasympathetic response to the odor and their body releases chemicals that allow them to naturally relax or improve their mood. However, the smell of jasmine is what some call “an acquired taste”, and some of the studies have shown that people who don’t enjoy the smell of jasmine can actually become anxious if exposed to it in high intensities.
Prevents Gastrointestinal Disorders: Adding jasmine tea to your normal diet can improve your chances of having a healthy stomach, better digestion, and prevention of gastrointestinal forms of cancer. Catechins present in jasmine tea have positive effects on multiple areas of health, including the gastrointestinal system. They activate a number of intracellular antioxidants and interact well with the gastrointestinal enzymes to promote healthy bowel function.
Boosts Immune System: Many forms of cancer and carcinogenic diseases can have an immunosuppressive effect, meaning that the body’s overall immune system is compromised, making the body vulnerable to pathogens that complicate the treatment of cancer. It has been shown to protect the immune system due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The immune system is the first line of defense against all types of illnesses, so bolstering it can benefit the body in countless ways.
Reduces Pain: One of the positive effects of jasmine tea is the reduction in chronic discomfort associated with joint pain and arthritis. The anti-inflammatory nature of certain organic elements in jasmine tea can reduce swelling and inflammation of joints by inhibiting unwanted cellular oxygenation.
Antibacterial Properties: Jasmine tea, which is occasionally formed by simply adding jasmine essential oil to tea buds, can provide a defense against bacterial infections, making jasmine tea an unexpected antibiotic that you can safely add to your diet. Studies have shown that the properties of jasmine oil can eliminate the effects of E. coli in certain test subjects, which can be a very dangerous bacterium commonly found in poorly preserved foods or unsanitary cooking conditions. It may also provide relief from a cough, cold, and throat infections.
Side Effects of Jasmine Tea
Pregnancy: Although many aromatherapy techniques are popular during pregnancy, the strong odor and chemicals of jasmine tea are not recommended while you are pregnant. There have been cases where the use of jasmine tea or essential jasmine oil (sometimes used to make jasmine tea) has caused premature contractions in pregnant women. Consult your doctor before adding this tea to your diet.
Intestinal discomfort: Many people choose to use jasmine tea to boost their metabolism or even as a workout aid to stimulate additional weight loss, but it is highly acidic, so consuming it on an empty stomach to spur on weight loss or metabolic function can cause intestinal pain or discomfort.
Caffeine: Despite its relaxing and mood-altering properties, jasmine tea is a source of caffeine, which is a stimulant that affects people in different ways. Caffeine is meant to block certain neurotransmitters in the brain, which cause the feelings of alertness or energy that most people want from caffeine. However, some people are very sensitive to the effects of caffeine, particularly in large doses. Consult your doctor or use your experience with other caffeinated products before adding jasmine tea to your diet or buy a caffeine-free version of jasmine tea instead. Loose-leaf varieties of jasmine tea are typically not available without caffeine, but teabag varieties are.
Jasmine Absolute& Essential Oil(Jasminum grandiflorum, officinale, and sambac)
Jasmine is known as the King of Oils, Rose is the Queen. This is because of its masculine floral scent that it possesses. It has been known as the King of Oils since ancient times. This highly concentrated oil has many health benefits that may prove beneficial for your life.
Jasmine, also known as the “Queen of the Night” or “King of Oils” is a highly intoxicating plant. Its strong, heavy yet sweet scent has been used for years to invoke love and happiness.
Jasmine belongs to the Oleaceae family. The jasmine plant can grow upwards of 10-15 feet in height or 3-5 meters. The plant has dark green leaves with white flowers. These flowers are what are harvested to be used in the making of the jasmine essential oil. There are over 200 species of jasmine that can get made into essential oil, however, commonly used jasmine for essential oil purposes is common jasmine or Jasminum Officinale Though Spanish or Royal jasmine, Jasminum Grandiflorum , is sometimes also used.
Jasmine grows in the summer and into the fall and the flowers bloom overnight. Because the flowers bloom at night this is when they are harvested to produce the essential oil. Fun fact: it takes nearly 8000 carefully picked jasmine blossoms to produce about 1 gram or 1 mL of Jasmine Absolute essential oil. The flowers have a powerful scent that explodes into the air as they bloom at night. The scent may be strong but it is also sweet in nature and pleasing to the senses. The extracted essential oil is thick in consistency and is a light reddish brown in color.
Jasmine essential oil is extracted from the flowers of jasmine, and it has various scientific names including Jasminum grandiflorum (Royal jasmine) and Jasminum officinale (Common jasmine). The oil is extracted mainly from the latter variety.
Its main components are benzoic acid, benzaldehyde, benzyl acetate, benzyl alcohol, indole, benzyl benzoate, cis-3-hexenyl benzoate, cis-jasmone, ceosol, eugenol, farnesol, geraniol, linalool, methyl anthranilate, p-cresol, nerol, gamma terpineol, nerolidol, isophytol, and phytol.
Blending: Essential oil of jasmine blends well with the essential oils of bergamot, sandalwood, rose, and citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruits.
Planet – Mercury, The Moon
Element – Earth, Water
Quality – Feminine
Zodiac – Cancer, Capricorn, Pisces
Chakra – Heart
Health Benefits of Jasmine Essential Oil (OrganicFacts.net)
The health benefits of jasmine essential oil can be attributed to its properties as an antidepressant, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, antispasmodic, cicatrizant, expectorant, galactagogue, emmenagogue, parturient, sedative, and a uterine substance.
Relieves Depression: The aroma of jasmine essential oil has a pleasing and uplifting effect on the mind and it actively fights depression. This makes a person feel happy and potentially awakens romantic and poetic feelings, just as it has done in literary and musical history! The aromatic effect of jasmine oil stimulates the release of certain hormones in the body, including serotonin, which results in the boost of energy and the uplifted mood. A study published in Natural Product Communications found that jasmine oil used on the skin over an eight-week period helped participants feel an improvement in their moods and a decrease in both physical and emotional signs of low energy.
Prevents Infections: It is also a very good antiseptic and disinfectant. Its constituents like benzaldehyde, benzoic acid, and benzyl benzoate have very effective germicidal, bactericidal, fungicidal, and antiviral properties. When externally applied to wounds, it prevents them from becoming septic and effectively eliminates potential infections from tetanus. It can also have internal applications, and when inhaled, it is known to reduce infections in the respiratory system and can relieve colds and coughs.
Inhaling jasmine oil, either directly or by infusing it in your home, can help clear mucus and bacteria within the nasal passages and respiratory symptom. Applying it to your skin can also reduce inflammation, redness, pain and speed up time needed to heal wounds.
Mix 5 to 10 drops of jasmine essential oil into your favorite hand lotion and use it as a hand sanitizer. You can make the mixture stronger, or even use it straight from the bottle, too. Run a diffuser with 2 to 3 drops of jasmine oil to kill viruses in the air and fill the room with its wonderful fragrance.
Fight Fungal Infections: Apply jasmine essential oil to sites of fungal infections for quick healing. This oil often doesn’t need to be diluted with a carrier oil. Just put a few drops on your fingers and massage it into the affected area. The fungal infection should clear up within 2 weeks. Be sure to wash your clothes thoroughly to kill the fungal spores there, too. Put 5 to 10 drops of jasmine EO into your laundry along with your favorite detergent or make your own.
Mix 5 to 6 drops in 1 cup of warm water, put the mixture into a spray bottle and thoroughly spray your sneakers if you are fighting athlete’s foot. After the fungal infection clears up, mix a few drops of jasmine EO into your favorite lotion and use it as a moisturizer to keep the fungus from coming back.
Stimulates Sexual Desires: It is actually the aphrodisiac property of jasmine essential oil that makes you feel romantic or in love. This oil enhances your libido and feelings of sexual desire. Due to the aroma, the use of jasmine flowers in bridal accessories and room décor of the newlywed, especially in the Indian Subcontinent is often seen. It also helps cure problems such as premature ejaculation, frigidity, impotence, and other sexual disorders.
Compared with a placebo, jasmine oil caused significant increases of physical signs of arousal — such as breathing rate, body temperature, blood oxygen saturation, and systolic and diastolic blood pressure — in a study done on healthy adult women. Subjects in the jasmine oil group also rated themselves as more alert and more vigorous than subjects in the control group. The study results indicate that jasmine oil can increase autonomic arousal activity and help elevate mood at the same time.
Fades Scar Marks: Are you worried about the scar marks and after spots left by boils, acne, or other wounds? You should definitely try jasmine essential oil. Since it is a cicatrizant, it can help fade those scar marks and after spots. It can also help eliminate the fat cracks that often happen in pregnant mothers.
Reduces Cough: The expectorant property of Jasmine Essential Oil can help you have an undisturbed night of sleep, even when you are suffering from a cough or cold. It provides relief from a cough by helping clear out the accumulation of phlegm in the respiratory tracts. It also eliminates snoring by clearing the congestion from nasal and respiratory tracts. With jasmine essential oil working in your system, you will be kept away from coughing and snoring endlessly through the night.
Treats Insomnia: The properties of jasmine essential oil make it an ideal tool for inducing long, restful, and undisturbed sleep. Its behavior as an expectorant, sedative, and antispasmodic combine to help you indulge in a peaceful good night’s sleep. By reducing signs of insomnia and sleeplessness, you can get more productive at work and in your personal life.
A 2005 study published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology found that jasmine tea odor had sedative effects on both autonomic nerve activity and mood states. Inhaling jasmine along with lavender helped reduce heart rate and bring on feelings of calm and relaxation, which are all important for dosing off and avoiding restless nights.
Emmenagogue: This property is meant to give relief to those women who suffer from irregular, obstructed, or painful menses or an untimely menopause. The emmenagogue property of jasmine oil regulates period cycles, and makes the periods clear and less painful, while also helping to push back menopause. It also provides relief from other problems associated with menses such as fatigue, annoyance, nausea, and mood swings. Regulating your period is also a great way to balance the hormonal levels of your body. It also helps to keep other bodily functions working in a systematic manner, keeping you healthy and fit.
In a study published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, when menopausal women applied jasmine oil to their skin over an eight-week period, they showed improvements in energy levels, mood and menopause-related symptoms, including hot flashes, pain and depression, compared to women who weren’t using jasmine oil.
Use jasmine essential oil to balance your hormone levels during menopause and get relief from menopausal symptoms. Practice aromatherapy several times a day or put a few drops into a carrier oil or lotion and massage it into your abdomen and back. Actually, you can apply it as an all-over body lotion, if you like. There is a lovely blend for this that includes 1 drop each of jasmine and angelica, 2 drops clary sage, 5 drops geranium and 6 drops lemon essential oil.
Skin Care: Jasmine oil has long been associated with skin care, particularly in terms of treating dry, brittle, or dehydrated skin. However, since it does have certain non-sensitizing effects, it is not always pleasant to use on cracked or open wounds on the skin, as it can cause an allergic reaction, or irritation. That being said, it is still frequently used for the treatment of eczema and dermatitis.
Gently apply jasmine essential oil to bruises to speed healing. You can apply it several times a day.
Mix 2 to 3 drops of jasmine essential oil into 1 teaspoon of a light carrier oil and use this blend to moisturize acne-prone skin. You can also add jasmine oil to your favorite facial cleanser. For individual pimples, put a drop of jasmine oil on your fingertip or a cotton swab and apply it directly on the pimple. Jasmine’s antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties will clear it up quickly.
Massage jasmine oil into scars and stretchmarks. You will be amazed at how quickly they fade. You can use it straight or mix it into a carrier oil like argan, jojoba, sweet almond or coconut.
Use jasmine oil to clear up eczema and dermatitis. Its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties will give quick relief from these uncomfortable skin conditions.
Facilitates Lactation: Jasmine essential oil increases milk secretion from the breasts and is therefore very good for lactating mothers and their new babies. This property also helps protect from breast tumor and cancer.
Promotes & Eases Childbirth: The essential oil of jasmine facilitates and eases parturition and reduces labor pains. This feature can be very beneficial in today’s situations when a normal delivery is a rare sight and most of the cases are handled with caesarean sections. For many women who choose to use jasmine essential oil, they find that the recovery process is less painful and the post-natal period is also shorter. Furthermore, it can strengthen contractions and shorten the time it takes to deliver a baby. At that point, many women suffer from post-partum depression, but jasmine essential oil also combats that tragic condition due to its antidepressant and uplifting qualities.
Practice jasmine essential oil aromatherapy for 30 to 60 minutes several times a day to help get your hormones regulated after having a baby. It will relieve anxiety, boost your energy levels and lift your spirits. Apply the PMS blend to sore abdominal and back muscles for quick relief. You can also fade stretch marks. If you are breastfeeding, wait until after the baby is weaned before you begin using jasmine oil.
Treats Spasms: Jasmine essential oil is very good for treating and relaxing spasms. It provides quick relief from spasmodic coughs, cramps, congestion, asthma, breathlessness, and even spasmodic cholera. It also alleviates intestinal cramps and pains resulting from spasms in other parts of the body. Spasms can be dangerous, disruptive, and even deadly, so any substance that can alleviate this serious condition quickly should be respected.
Soothe Sore Muscles: Massage jasmine essential oil into sore muscles for quick relief. It will quickly reduce the pain and inflammation. Mix 1 tablespoon of coconut oil with 5 or 6 drops of argan oil then add 3 to 5 drops of jasmine oil. The coconut oil has a great consistency for massage and the argan oil speeds up absorption.
Sedative Effect: Jasmine essential oil calms down the body, mind, and soul while bringing forth positive and constructive emotions. It gives relief from anxiety, stress, annoyance, anger, and depression as well as from inflammations of all sorts. Although further research is yet to be conducted, these sedative and anti-inflammatory properties are also associated with pain and discomfort of arthritis and gout.
Cognitive Ability Aide: Jasmine is a natural energy booster. Simply inhaling jasmine in the morning will help to awaken the senses allowing you to be more aware and alert for the upcoming day. It also helps to increase body temperature and heart rate along with the brain’s activity to help increase productivity and learning.
Protects the Uterus: This oil is good for uterine health because it tones the uterus and promotes the secretion of certain hormones which ensure good health and proper functioning of the organ. It also helps protect the uterus from tumors, particularly after menopause, by restricting the flow of estrogen.
Other Benefits: It can also be used to free people from narcotics and other addictions.
Word of Caution: Pregnant women should avoid using this oil until parturition since it is an emmenagogue. It is highly relaxing and sedating and thus heavy doses should be avoided. Again, those who are allergic to jasmine should avoid using it, as with any essential oil made from a known allergen.
How Does Jasmine Absolute Oil Work?
Jasmine absolute oil works in different ways, depending on how you need it. It can be inhaled, diffused or can be simply applied externally. The following are some ways to use your jasmine absolute oil:
Through a diffuser. Just add some drops of the essential to your diffuser to provide a relaxing and refreshing fragrance to your home.
External application. Apply a few drops of the oil on your neck or forehead to calm and clear your mind, or to feel a surge of hope and happiness. Applying it topically can also treat skin disorders and muscle spasms.
Inhalation. Jasmine absolute oil also aids coughs and relieves nervousness and stress when inhaled.
What to Look for When Purchasing Your Jasmine Absolute
What to look for when it comes to purchasing your jasmine essential oil. Well there are a few things that you should look for and note when you are looking for a company or manufacturer.
First you will want to ensure that you are purchasing your essential oil from a reputable company and/or manufacturer. You will want to ensure that this company or manufacturer harvests the jasmine flowers at the correct time, using the correct harvesting methods.
You will also want to ensure that they extract the jasmine essential oil through the process of solvent or enfleurage extraction. You will want to check the ingredients of the jasmine essential oil bottle to ensure you are purchasing true or absolute essential oil and not a carrier oil with jasmine added to it.
Note that the essential oil that is produced year to year can vary because of the environment. This is normal but is something to consider as prices could change to reflect how plentiful or devastating the harvest was that specific year. Temperature, humidity, moisture and other environmental elements can all play a factor in the production and harvest of the jasmine blossoms.
How to Make Jasmine Oil at Home
Jasmine essential oil is not an easy essential oil to produce. Since the jasmine flowers are fragile it makes for a careful harvest and extraction process. The flowers have been known to bruise easily upon harvest which can lead to an unpleasant fragrance when the oil is produced.
In order to produce the highest quality of essential oil, jasmine should be harvested at night when it is full bloom. This will ensure that the chemical makeup inside of the jasmine flowers is at their prime for extraction.
Jasmine essential oil is typically extracted through the process of solvent extraction or enfleurage extraction. Both of these processes soak the jasmine flowers to help extract the essential oil from the flowers.
Enfleurage extraction is done by soaking the jasmine flowers in odorless plant oil or animal fats. Alcohol is then added to the mixture to pull the essential oil from the fat. Then the fat is separated from the mixture and the alcohol is allowed to evaporate to leave the end result of the jasmine absolute.
Solvent extraction is like that of the above enfleurage extraction however water and organic solvents are used to extract the oil from the jasmine flowers. The water and the solvent are then separated and removed from the mixture leaving behind the jasmine essential oil.
It should be noted that the chemicals that are sometimes used in the solvent extraction process can change the chemical makeup of the jasmine essential oil. Do your research on how the extraction is done and what is used in the extraction process.
Both processes can be time consuming and difficult to perform, especially if you do not have the right equipment. That is not to say that it cannot be done, but just note the pros and cons of each process prior to trying it on your own.
Homemade Jasmine Oil Perfume
30 drops jasmine oil
5 drops vanilla essential oil
5 drops lavender essential oil
5 drops orange essential oil
2 tablespoons everclear
1 tablespoon orange blossom water (or distilled water)
Mix the essential oil blend with the everclear in a glass mason jar or bottle and leave it to sit on a counter top for two days. Keep it covered and somewhere that’s room temperature and away from the sun.
Add the orange blossom water or distilled water and stir together. Add the mixture to an old perfume spray bottle or regular aluminum spray bottle. Keep the mix somewhere around room temperature, and use on your skin, clothes, sheets, rugs, etc.
That Time of the Month Massage Blend
2 drops jasmine essential oil
4 drops marjoram essential oil
10 mL carrier oil of your choice (argan, coconut, sesame, sweet almond, jojoba, grapeseed, macadamia)
In a 10 ml roller bottle combine all of the above ingredients together.
Mix well.
Massage onto the stomach and/or lower back as needed.
SKU 83556
Foaming Face Wash Blend
8 oz. mild unscented castile soap
8 oz. distilled water
1 Tbsp. sweet almond oil
20 drops jasmine essential oil
10 drops geranium essential oil
In a foaming soap dispenser combine all of the above ingredients together.
Mix well.
Pump one pump into the palm of your hands and massage into face. Rinse
Use twice daily as needed.
Bring the Romance Diffuser Blend
1 drop jasmine essential oil
1 drop patchouli essential oil
1 drop orange essential oil
Combine all of the above ingredients together in a diffuser.
Diffuse throughout the air to induce feelings of romance and sexual desire.
Jasmine Coconut Sugar Scrub
10 drops jasmine essential oil
½ cup coconut oil
1 cup sugar
Melt the ½ cup of coconut oil in the microwave or over the stove. Make sure it is completely melted.
Transfer the melted coconut oil to a bowl and add in the sugar.
Mix well.
Mix in the jasmine essential oil. Be sure it is well combined into the mixture.
Transfer the mixture to a Mason jar and seal.
Use as needed in the shower. Apply to the body, massaging it in and then rinse off.
Jasmine Bath Salts
15-20 drops jasmine EO
3 cups Epsom salts
In a glass jar combine the above ingredients together.
Mix well.
In a warm bath add ¼ – ½ cup of the mixture. Lay back and enjoy!
Here are a few other ideas for using jasmine essential oil:
Try adding a few drops of the essential oil to a diffuser to diffuse throughout the room to help reduce depression and stress or to help promote rest and relaxation.
Try mixing a few drops of jasmine essential oil with a carrier oil and applying it to sore muscles or wounds on the skin. Also try applying this to the temples or neck to help reduce the feeling of stress and depression.
Add a few drops of jasmine to a bath and allow it to help soothe and relax you.
Try a jasmine essential oil inhaler for on the go relief.
Massage some jasmine onto your stomach to help relieve symptoms of PMS and menopause.
Mix a couple drops of jasmine essential oil with your face lotion and massage onto and into the face to help reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
Try some jasmine tea to help promote healing, rest and relaxation.
These braided wicks are made with natural fibers of hemp (Cannabis sativa) instead of cotton. Hemp wicks provide for a hotter burning wick and increased rigidity. Used with all types of waxes.
You can find natural hemp wick in Mother Jai’s hand poured Soy Wax candles.
Blended Candles 8oz Jar
Light and enjoy the natural aromas of essential oils. No toxic metals, artificial fragrances, or petroleum waxes.
So let’s say you have found the perfect wax for your candles and you think you’re ready to start, but wait, you forgot the wick – the part you actually light and burn! Here’s the thing, most people don’t give much thought about the wick, but that’s a mistake. Most wicks are made cheaply and with unknown materials… so you shouldn’t just choose any wick!
Luckily, you don’t need to settle for these generic wicks anymore. We have hand-crafted a different kind of wick from natural and organic materials to provide you with an option that you can rely on to keep the fire burning. So before choosing your next wick, consider this:
Stay organic: hemp wick is non-GMO, contains no toxic chemicals, no acids, no pesticides, no PVC, no BPA, no formaldehyde, no dioxin, and no heavy metals. You’ll be using 100% organic hemp twine, worry-free.
No flair ups: The even layer of beeswax insures that the flame will burn uniformly and melt your candle wax in smooth, even layers.
Free your imagination with different candles: One strand of hemp wick works great for making small candles or tea lights, but braid or twist multiple strands together for a larger flame that burns slower – sure to work with a variety of candle sizes and proven to make your candles last longer.
No fuss wick placement: The rigidity of hemp wick insures that it will stay straight and make it easy to attach to whatever candle tab/holder you use to anchor your wick.
Breathe naturally: Burning beeswax actually cleans your surroundings by producing negative ions which help remove pollution from the air. This is a helpful bonus for those who struggle with asthma or respiratory issues.
The Difference Between Hemp and Marijuana
It’s easy to get confused when discussing the differences between hemp and marijuana, two types of the cannabis plant. With so many unaware that hemp and marijuana are actually different varietals of cannabis, the two terms are often mistakenly applied interchangeably, despite the very distinct differences that exist between the two related plants.
It’s important to first understand that hemp and marijuana are both members of the same species of plant, Cannabis sativa L. However, the two plants are unique in their chemical makeup, resulting in their being used for very different purposes.
Appearance: Marijuana looks contrastingly different from hemp. When you observe their leaves, marijuana’s shape tends to either be broad leafed, a tight bud, or look like a nugget with orange hairs. Hemp, on the other hand, has skinnier leaves that’s concentrated at the top. Few branches or leaves exist below the top part of the plant. When you observe the plants from afar, marijuana looks like a short fat bush. Hemp is typically skinnier and taller (up to 20 ft). At times, it almost looks like long ditchweed – hemp was actually found to grow among weeds in Nebraska. In general, when you compare a marijuana farm with those of industrial hemp, you’ll notice that they are clearly very different from one another.
Chemical Makeup: The main difference between the two is in its chemical composition, specifically in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is the chemical responsible marijuana’s psychological effects. An average batch of marijuana contains anywhere from 5-20% THC content. Some premium marijuana can have up to 25-30% THC. Hemp, on the other hand, has a max THC level of 0.3%, essentially making it impossible to feel any psychoactive effect or get a “high”. This threshold is heavily regulated in other countries that have legalized hemp. Hemp also has high cannabidiol (CBD) content that acts as THC’s antagonist, essentially making the minimal amount of THC useless.
Cultivation environment: The environment in which hemp and marijuana are grown is strikingly different. Hemp is grown closely together (as close as 4 inches apart) and are typically grown in large multi-acre plots. It can also grow in variety of climates and its growth cycle is 108-120 days. Unlike hemp, marijuana requires a carefully controlled, warm, and humid atmosphere for proper growth. Its growth cycle only 60-90 days. Medical cannabis also cannot be grown too close to each other. They are typically grown 6 feet apart. If, somehow, marijuana grows among (or close to) a hemp field, the hemp’s pollen would immediately ruin the marijuana crop, diluting marijuana’s psychoactivity.
How Hemp got grouped with Marijuana
In the 1970s, President Nixon declared a “War on Drugs” and signed into law the Controlled Substances Act of 1970. This law established a set of banned drugs and created the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). It also unintentionally outlawed one of the world’s oldest domesticated crop, hemp. This not only led to the demise of hemp, but also an increased misconception of the plant.
In the Controlled Substances Act, marijuana was grouped with all types of cannabis and was made illegal to grow in the US. This, unfortunately, classified hemp as a drug even though it doesn’t include any of the chemicals that make marijuana a drug. Learn more about the legality of hemp in the United States.
The Health Dangers of Candle Wicks
One of the main concerns over candles, besides the scents, is the wick. Different wicks are used for different purposes and they can be divided into two main categories: cored and non-cored wicks. Non-cored wicks are usually made of a braided or twisted cotton and considered the safest to burn.
Cored wicks are usually made of cotton around a paper or metal core. Zinc, tin, and lead are standard compounds used in its composition. Burning candles with lead-cored wicks is now known to cause lead poisoning, and there are similar concerns about zinc-cored wicks. In 1974, the National Candle Association of the U.S. voluntarily stopped using lead-cored wicks because of risks with airborne lead. Unfortunately, many countries outside of North America still produce candles using dangerous wicks.
In 2000, the Public Citizen’s Health Research Group published a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association that indicated candles with wicks containing lead were available at 12 different stores in the Washington-Baltimore area. Testing showed that the candle containing the least lead would, during three hours of burning time, produce enough air lead concentration so that a normally active six-year old would exceed the recommended daily lead limit for children in 45 minutes. The authors concluded that there is no reliable method to distinguish lead-containing wicks from other metal-cored wicks.
The Health Dangers of Candle Wax
The type of wax the candle is made of and how the candle is burned significantly affects air quality. A candle burned in a draft with a smoky, guttering flame will be emitting particulate matter in every direction. If you prefer a candle that has a metal-cored wick, ask the manufacturer what metal is in the wick. If they can’t or won’t tell you, for safety’s sake, choose another candle.
The Health Dangers of Artificial Fragrances
Beeswax and bayberry wax both contain natural scents, beeswax offering the sweet smell of honey and bayberry a spicy, fresh aroma. Scents added to wax vary in their source and composition. Originally, perfumes came from animal and vegetable sources. In the late 1800s, the first synthetic fragrances were produced and were quickly adopted as a cheaper source of aromas. Many people today are sensitive to artificial scents from perfume, candles, and even air fresheners.
Fragrance oils are specially made for particular uses, such as scenting candles, soaps, cosmetics, and potpourris. They are usually synthetic. Exact formulas for fragrances fall under the trade secrets act in the U.S., but manufacturers of the oils will normally be able to produce a Materials Safety Data Sheet which will cover the physical characteristics of the oil, physical or health hazards, and first aid treatment in case of an accident. Candle scents contain stabilizers and fixatives which allow the oils to mix with wax and give off an aroma when heated.
Essential oils are naturally-occurring oils that are extracted mainly from botanical sources. They are usually more expensive than synthetic fragrances and may not blend well with candle wax. Natural essential oils are more volatile than synthetics and most of them are difficult to use in candles unless they have added stabilizers or fixatives.
The Health Dangers of Other Additives in Candles
Stearic acid was once the only additive available for paraffin candles and is derived from either animal fat or palm oil. It is now often replaced with Vybar, a polymer which raises the melting point of paraffin, allows scents and colors to blend evenly in the wax, and gives the paraffin some of the qualities of more expensive waxes, allowing candle makers to charge more for a cheap candle.
Microcrystallines are a group of substances derived from petroleum that are added to candles to change the texture of the wax, add gloss, increase opacity, etc. Polyethylenes are produced from natural gas. They add gloss, luster, or clear crystals to wax.
Are Candles Safe? The Bottom Line
When candles are lit, they emit these chemicals into the air, the air we breathe. Our bodies take the burden of this indoor air pollution with unknown toxic effects. The American Lung Association even warns people from burning scented or slow-burning candles that contain artificial ingredients. In addition, they suggest burning beeswax candles instead with metal in the wick, or candles that are greasy to the touch.
Choosing Safe Candles
Buy candles from trusted countries. Imported candles often come from countries where they employ chemicals no longer used in North America because of health concerns. Find out what the wick is made of. If your vendor can’t tell you, don’t buy it. Cotton or hemp wicks are considered to be the safest. Choose candles made from beeswax or soy wax. Avoid paraffin, as it is derived from petroleum.
Be aware that many candle manufacturers make claims for their candles or waxes that can’t be substantiated or are untrue. No candle is “soot-free” because combustion causes soot; however, beeswax and soy wax don’t produce sticky, black, petroleum-based soot.
This is why Mother Jai’s makes candles with only hemp wick, soy wax, and essential oils. Unfortunately beeswax does not mix well with essential oils so we stick with organic soy wax.
By H. Zell – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=10415334
Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis)
AROMA: Sweet, rich herbaceous, camphoraceous
BLENDS WELL WITH: Angelica, Bay, clary sage, geranium, grapefruit, lavandin, lavender, lemon, mandarin, Melissa, myrtle, orange, rosemary, sage, tangerine
HERBAL MISCELLANY: It is one of the bitter herbs mentioned in the Old Testament, employed to purify the temples. Romans used hyssop to protect themselves against the plague, and to clean the houses of the sick. The chief constituents of Hyssop essential oil are Alpha Pinene, Camphene, Beta-Pinene, Sabinene, Myrcene, Limonene, Pinocamphone, Iso-Pinocamphene, Gamma Terpineol, Cineole, and Thujone.
What Is Hyssop Oil: The perennial plant hyssop is native to the Mediterranean region and was considered a holy plant in biblical times. During the time of the Romans, this herb was used against the plague, as a disinfectant and for treatment of minor infections. In some parts of the world, it had a spiritual function, and was believed to purify and “forgive sins.” Christianity held hyssop in high regard — the herb was cited as a symbol of baptism and reconciliation. In other religions, it is associated with purification.
The plant grows up to 60 centimeters or 2 feet high, and has a “hairy” stem with small pointy leaves and blue, purple or white flowers. Today, hyssop is cultivated in various parts of France for its essential oils. It is deemed one of the strongest antiviral essential oils out there because it contains nearly every type of chemical compound found in essential oils. However, the oil is still mild and gentle.
How Does Hyssop Oil Work?
The essential oil of the hyssop plant can be used in several ways. It can be applied topically on your skin or inhaled through a diffuser or vaporizer. Below are some ways to enjoy the benefits of this essential oil:
Help relieve fatigue, stress and even any type of body pain — Add two drops of hyssop oil to your bath water, preferably warm. Taking a bath in hyssop oil infused water may also contribute to a peaceful night’s rest.
Possibly address menstrual discomfort or menopausal symptoms — Mix three drops of hyssop oil with a carrier oil and use the mixture as a massage oil on your abdomen.
Help reduce pain as massage oil — Similar to the previous suggestion, use three drops of this oil blended with a carrier oil and massage on painful muscles. Rubbing the mixture on your stomach may also relieve gastrointestinal discomfort caused by indigestion and gas.
Aid in lowering fever — Massaging two drops of this herbal oil with 1 milliliter of coconut oil on the soles of your feet may help reduce fever.
Help clear clogged respiratory tracts — When inhaled, hyssop oil can ease nasal congestion, breathing difficulties, colds and cough. Use two drops in steam inhalation. You may also apply two drops of hyssop oil mixed with vapor rub onto your chest to induce the oil’s expectorant effect.
Help heal and prevent scars — Add two drops of hyssop oil to your lotion or cream and apply topically.
The health benefits of Hyssop Essential Oil can be attributed to its properties as an astringent, stimulant, anti-Spasmodic, anti-rheumatic, antiseptic, carminative, cicatrisant, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, hypertensive, nervine, sudorific, tonic, febrifuge, vermifuge, and vulnerary substance.
Astringent: The function of an astringent is to contract or cause something to shrink. Hyssop essential oil, being an astringent, makes the gums, muscles and limbs, abdomen, intestines, skin, tissues and blood vessels to contract. This can help you in many ways. This can prevent muscles and skin from sagging down due to age, loosening or loss of teeth, wrinkles, and hemorrhaging, all by quickly contracting the blood vessels.
Antispasmodic: Being an antispasmodic, Hyssop essential oil gives relief in spasms of the respiratory system, thereby curing spasmodic coughs. It also cures spasms of the nervous system in order to cure convulsions and related problems, as well as reducing muscular spasms, which cures cramps, and spasms of the intestines, giving relief from acute abdominal pain. It is also beneficial in curing spasmodic cholera.
Coughing is a common reaction of the respiratory system trying to expel harmful microbes, dust or irritants, so hyssop’s antispasmodic and antiseptic properties make it a great natural treatment for coughs and other respiratory conditions. Hyssop can also work as a remedy for sore throats, making it a great tool for people who use their voices throughout the day, like teachers, singers and lecturers. The best way to soothe the throat and respiratory system is to drink hyssop tea or add a few drops of oil to your throat and chest.
Almost everybody has likely experienced discomfort in his or her muscles at some point. Because almost every part of the body has muscle tissue, this type of pain can be felt practically anywhere. A study done at the Department of Pharmacology of Natural Substances and General Physiology in Italy found that hyssop oil had muscle-relaxing activity when it was tested on guinea pig and rabbit intestines. The hyssop oil treatment inhibited contractions and reduced the amplitude of spontaneous movements. Hyssop oil’s antispasmodic properties can help treat muscle aches, cramps and charley horses naturally.
Antirheumatic: Since Hyssop oil improves and promotes circulation, it helps cure diseases associated with poor circulation, such as rheumatism, arthritis, gout, and swelling. An increase in blood flow or circulation in the body benefits the heart and the body’s muscles and arteries. Hyssop improves and promotes circulation because of its anti-rheumatic properties. By increasing circulation, hyssop can work as a natural remedy for gout, rheumatism, arthritis and swelling. Your heart rate lowers when your blood circulates properly, and then your heart muscles relax and your blood pressure flows evenly throughout the body, affecting every organ.
So many people are looking for natural arthritis treatments because it can be a crippling condition. Osteoarthritis, the most common type of arthritis, occurs when cartilage between joints wears down, causing inflammation and pain. By increasing circulation, hyssop oil and tea inhibit swelling and inflammation, allowing the blood to flow through the body and relieve the pressure that builds up because of clogged arteries.
Because of its ability to improve circulation, hyssop oil is also a home remedy and treatment for hemorrhoids, which are experienced by 75 percent of Americans at some point in their lives. Hemorrhoids are caused by an increase in pressure on the veins of the anus and rectum. The pressure on the veins causes swelling, pain and bleeding.
Antiseptic: Whenever we are wounded or get a cut or abrasion, our first worry is that the wound might become septic. If it is an iron object, then there remains a chance of it becoming infected by tetanus. Hyssop oil, applied on wounds, might help us avoid both of the above situations. Since it is an antiseptic substance, it prevents infections from developing into wounds.
Hyssop prevents infections from developing in wounds and cuts. Because of its antiseptic properties, when it’s applied to an opening of the skin, it fights infection and kills bacteria. Hyssop also helps in healing deep cuts, scars, insect bites and even can be one of the great home remedies for acne.
A study done at the Department of Virology, Hygiene Institute in Germany tested hyssop oil’s ability to fight genital herpes by testing plaque reduction. Genital herpes is a chronic, persistent infection that is spread efficiently and silently as a sexually transmitted disease. The study found that hyssop oil lowered plaque formation by more than 90 percent, proving that the oil interacted with the virus and serves as a therapeutic application for the treatment of herpes.
Cicatrisant: Deep cuts will heal quicker and the scar marks left by them will disappear sooner if Hyssop oil is applied to them. It is equally beneficial to fade away the after spots of boils, pox, infections, and insect bites.
Hyssop oil can work as a natural treatment for acne. Because hyssop oil is antiseptic, it can kill bacteria on the skin and fight infections. Research also demonstrates that hyssop essential oil exhibits bacteriostatic activity, which means it can stop bacteria from reproducing.
Digestive: This oil facilitates digestion. Being a stimulant, it stimulates the secretion of gastric juices like acids, enzymes, and bile into the stomach, which speeds up the decomposition of complex proteins, carbohydrates, and other nutrients. It also facilitates the passage of these foods through the intestines by stimulating peristaltic motion, thereby optimizing the absorption of these nutrients by intestinal villi.
Hyssop oil is a stimulant, so it increases the production of secretions, like bile, digestive enzymes and acid. These gastric juices are necessary in order to break down food as it makes its way to the stomach. We have digestive juices that contain enzymes in order to speed up the chemical reactions in the body and break down food into nutrients.
By facilitating digestion, hyssop oil helps with the decomposition of complex proteins, carbohydrates and nutrients. Because the digestive system interacts with all other body systems, including the nervous, endocrine and immune systems, the role that hyssop plays as a stimulant is very beneficial. Hyssop oil can also be helpful with intestinal gas, indigestion and loss of appetite.
Diuretic: Hyssop essential oil can also speed up detoxification of your body, removal of excess water and sodium, loss of fats and reduction in blood pressure just by promoting a single thing – urination. It increases the frequency of urination and the quantity of urine as well. This has other benefits too. Hyssop essential oil keeps your heart healthy, aids digestion, and also reduces the formation of gas.
Emmenagogue: This property of Hyssop essential oil can help women with irregular, obstructed, painful, or exhausting menstruation. This oil opens up menses, makes it regular and also helps overcome symptoms related with menses like nausea, headache, pain in lower abdomen, fatigue, loss of appetite, and mood swings.
Expectorant: This is yet another beneficial property of Hyssop essential oil. It is an expectorant. This is a good remedy to loosen phlegm that has been tightly deposited in the respiratory tracts. This keeps the respiratory system warm and stops any further deposition of phlegm in it. Moreover, it helps to cure the infections due to the common cold.
Carminative: This oil, having carminative properties, helps clear gases from the intestines and relieves you of problems like uneasiness, heaviness, indigestion, stomach aches, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and even heart troubles. Furthermore, Hyssop oil does not allow the formation of gas. It actually stimulates the downward passage of gas for safe expulsion from the body.
Febrifuge: When fever is due to infections, it helps reduce it by fighting infections. When fever is due to an accumulation of toxins in the body, this oil reduces it by promoting the removal of toxins from the body through urination. Hyssop oil also brings about sweating, which helps bring down a person’s temperature in cases of very high fever.
Hypertensive: Now, this property may not be welcome for normal or hypertensive people, but it is beneficial for hypotensive people (people who suffer from low blood pressure). This essential oil can raise blood pressure and help get rid of problems associated with low blood pressure, such as headaches, a tendency of vomiting, fatigue, and swelling in the limbs.
Nervine: Being a Nervine means serving as a tonic for the nervous system. This keeps the nervous system healthy and in good, working order, and helps to avoid nervous disorders. It is effective in cases of vertigo, nervousness, and convulsions as well. Hyssop essential oil is a good nervine and tones up the entire nervous system.
Stimulant: Hyssop oil stimulates all the systems running inside the body. It stimulates the nervous, circulatory, digestive, endocrine, neural, and excretory systems. Thus, it stimulates the body’s metabolism as a whole and helps in optimal consumption and absorption of the nutrients. It also stimulates and activates the immune system and protects your body from infections and diseases.
Sudorific: If someone is suffering from very limited perspiration, obstructed perspiration, or no perspiration at all (something teenagers have always wanted), he or she could be in big trouble. It simply means that toxic elements, excess water, and sodium is accumulating in your body, which is paving the way for bigger or chronic trouble. So, get going and use Hyssop essential oil. Being a sudorific, it helps bring about a lot of perspiration and frees your body of toxins, water, and extra salts. It also can help you to slim down.
Vermifuge: It kills worms, intestinal and otherwise while helping those children enjoy a better life who were suffering from obstructed growth due to these worms. Nutrients can actually be put to good use, and children can begin to develop properly.
Hyssop has the ability to fight parasites, which are organisms that feed off the nutrients of other organisms. Some examples of parasites include tapeworm, fleas, hookworms and flukes. Because it’s a vermifuge, hyssop oil expels parasitic works, especially in the intestines. When a parasite lives in and feed on its host, it disrupts nutrient absorption and causes weakness and disease. If the parasite is living in the intestines, it disrupts the digestive and immune systems.
Therefore, hyssop can be a key part of a parasite cleanse, as hyssop helps many systems in the body and ensures that your needed nutrients aren’t taken by these dangerous organisms.
Vulnerary: Hyssop essential oil protects wounds from infections and helps them heal quicker.
Other Benefits: It is very effective against diseases resulting from viral infections such as coughs, colds, flu, mumps, tonsillitis, and sore throat, as well as on bronchitis, asthma, eczema, dermatitis, and inflammation.
PRECAUTIONS: Oil Specific: Avoid in epilepsy, and while pregnant. Not for internal use.
General: As with all essential oils, never use them undiluted, in eyes or mucus membranes. Do not take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner. Keep away from children. If applying an essential oil to your skin always perform a small patch test to an insensitive part of the body (after you have properly diluted the oil in an appropriate carrier.
How to Use Hyssop
Hyssop is most commonly used to fight throat and respiratory infections, fatigue, muscle aches, and arthritis. It’s traditionally used in teas, but it’s equally effective as a capsule, oil or extract. Here are some common hyssop uses:
For aromatherapy, diffuse or inhale 3–5 drops of hyssop oil.
When used topically to treat skin irritations, burns, bruising and frostbite, dilute 2–3 drops of hyssop with a carrier oil (like coconut or jojoba oil) before applying to skin.
To heal scars and wounds, add 2–3 drops of hyssop oil with coconut or jojoba oil and apply the mixture to the specific area twice daily.
Add 3–5 drops of hyssop oil to warm bath water to stimulate sweating and lower body temperature.
To reduce fever, massage two drops of hyssop oil and a teaspoon of coconut oil into your feet.
To clear clogged respiratory system, add 2–3 drops of hyssop oil to my Homemade Vapor Rub recipe.
To treat a cough, add one drop of hyssop oil to a homemade cough syrup.
As a fragrance, hyssop oil can be added to soaps, lotions and body washes.
Can you eat hyssop? The fresh herb is commonly used in cooking, but the flavor is very strong, so it’s often steamed when making broths or soups. It can be added to salads in small amounts. The leaves have a lightly bitter taste due to its tannins and an intense minty aroma.
Hyssop flower tops and leaves are steeped in water to make infusions and medicinal tea.
The plant is commonly used by beekeepers to produce a rich and aromatic honey.
The hyssop herb is used to flavor liqueur and is part of the official formulation of Chartreuse.
To kill bacteria in the mouth, gargle 1–2 drops of hyssop mixed with water.
To increase blood circulation and repair damaged heart cells, add 1–2 drops of hyssop oil, or dried hyssop leaves, to my Hot Heart Health Juice.
Hyssop essential oil blends well with other essential oils such as geranium, lemon, clary sage, grapefruit, lavender, rosemary and orange.
Hyssop Tea Recipe: To make your own hyssop tea, follow these directions.
Start by boiling two cups of water.
Add two tablespoons of fresh hyssop leaves to the water
Let it steep for 30 minutes.
You can make a bigger batch of tea and reheat it when needed.
Hyssop tea is a great way to relieve respiratory infections, the common cold and sore throat. It also helps regulate your digestive system and supports the immune system. You can even dab hyssop tea on your wounds, cuts and bruises to speed up the recovery process and minimize the look of dark spots and scars.
How to Make a Hyssop Oil Infusion
What You’ll Need:
Fresh hyssop
Ceramic or enamel stock pot with lid
Clean brick or canning rack
Ceramic bowl or heatproof glass
Distilled water
Ice cubes
Small glass bottle or vial
Gather a basketful of flowers and leaves from hyssop plants early in the morning.
Rinse and dry the hyssop flowers and leaves, then chop them. Crush these to slightly release their volatile oils.
Put a clean brick or canning rack at the bottom of your stock pot.
Place a heat-proof bowl on top of the brick or rack. This will then be the “receiver” of the condensed hyssop vapor.
Surround the bowl inside with the chopped hyssop. It should be halfway up the side of the bowl.
Pour enough hot distilled water over the chopped hyssop until it is immersed in water, but do not spill water into the bowl.
Turn the burner to high until the water boils, then lower to a simmer.
Invert the lid of the stockpot and use it to cover the pot. The upside down handle will act as a “drip mechanism” from which the condensed vapor can drip into the bowl.
Place several ice cubes on the outside of the inverted lid, along the center depression. As older ones melt, continue adding fresh cubes.
After three to four hours, turn off the heat and remove the interior bowl, which is filled with the condensed drops from the vaporized hyssop water. The product is the hyssop hydrosol, or herbal water.
Extract the essential oil by pouring the hydrosol into a jar and placing it in the freezer. The liquid portion of the herbal water will freeze, while the volatile oil will stay as it is.
Pour the essential oil into a small bottle or vial. Seal it and store in a dark, cool place.
Magical/Energetic Uses: An excellent plant for purification and protection, hyssop is invaluable in its ability to dispel negativity. Hang a bouquet at the front door of your home to deflect any unwanted energy from entering. It can also be dried and displayed anywhere you wish to create extra protection, such as in a car or bedroom.
On a waning or dark moon, burn it in ritual to assist in cutting energetic cords, banishing attachments or releasing patterns that no longer serve you. It is useful to combine hyssop with other cleansing herbs such as sage and cedar to smudge and clear unwanted energies throughout your home.
Planted in your garden, hyssop can help create protection and a positive energetic flow throughout your yard. This in turn, can elevate the vibrational frequency around your home and garden area and act as a beacon attracting nature fairies and elementals to your space.