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Cold & Flu Tea

Mother Jai’s Cold & Flu Tea

This time of year, and especially into January, here in Colorado, everyone gets sick, even the healthiest of people. This is due to the wild swings in outdoor temperatures that happen in a cold desert. If we are not prepared and we get caught in a cold wind or a fast snowstorm and we get chilled, our defenses are lowered, and invaders creep in. Viruses and bacteria love the cold, that’s why we make a fever when infected.

Our biggest concern is the ingredients found in over-the-counter cold and flu medicines. Most of these chemical concoctions should not be consumed by a human and yet we willingly take them to feel better. So, we created all-natural herbal blends that are nourishing replacements for OTC chemicals.

Mother Jai’s blog provides information on alternatives to over-the-counter products (OTCs) and commercialized extracts (herbal supplements). Both to help protect you and your family’s healthy future and to help educate everyone on effective natural alternatives. Nature has always had the best remedies.


Peppermint: relieves headache and pain, strengthens immune system, fights sinus problems, thins mucus, soothes upset stomach, reduces stress and anxiety, stimulates alertness, and freshens breath.

Eucalyptus: decongestant, thins mucus, soothes mucous membranes, opens airways, relieves pain, boosts immunity, and is anti-inflammatory.

Marjoram: tonic (nutrient dense), helps fight infection, removes free radicals, tastes great, and soothing to mucous membranes (prevents over-drying of sinuses that happens with decongestants).

Sage: cough suppressant, antispasmodic, improves immune function, enhances mental clarity and improves concentration, soothes sore throat and upset stomach.

Catnip: calms coughs and anxiety, reduces fevers, affects viruses, and is anti-inflammatory. Can cause drowsiness in large amounts, that’s why Mother Jai uses a small amount in this blend so that the peppermint can prevent that effect.

This tea is a MEDICINE and must be treated as such. It should not be consumed every day, only during times of illness is this blend most beneficial.

Cold Showers

Why You Should Take a Cold Shower

Or, at the very least, rinse off with cold water.

Taking a cold shower has many more benefits besides waking up a drunk person.

Besides saving you money on heating water, taking a cold shower also:

  1. Increases alertness better than coffee. The cold stimulates circulation by increasing the heart rate and relaxing blood vessels. Your respiration rate increase to warm the body, thus increasing oxygen intake and reducing oxidization within the cells. These two changes wake you up and get you going.
  2. Improves health of skin and hair. Hot water strips away the natural, water soluble oils, excreted by the skin and hair follicles, thus drying them out. Hot water relaxes tissues causing sagging and eventually wrinkling. It opens pores and allows for the buildup of dirt and bacteria. Cold water tightens cuticles, pores, and collagen in tissues. This seals up the skin keeping dirt and bacteria out, thus preventing acne and infection.
  3. Improves immunity and circulation. As in number 1 cold water stimulates circulation, this includes lymph circulation. The better lymph and its associated immune cells can travel through the body the better they can kill and remove invaders.
  4. Aids in weight loss. Due to our body’s habit of storing two kinds of fat, white (excess calories stored around belly/thighs) and brown (surrounds and protects organs, adds insulation from heat/cold). Our body uses or burns very little white fat, especially when we’re hot. The more we expose our bodies to cold the more we develop brown fat and burn white fat.
  5. Eases pain and speeds recovery. With increased circulation comes increased removal of exercise and injury related acid and toxin buildup in the muscles and joints, thus reducing inflammation and associated pain.
  6. Eases stress and it’s effects. Cold stimulus in the shower or outside has been proven to promote tolerance to stress and resulting disease. Again, with increased circulation comes increased removal of toxins. Even those toxins created by feeling stressed. The stress of cold water assists the body in adapting to oxidative stress.
  7. Relieves depression. The stimulation of the nerves in cold water causes the release of an overwhelming amount of electrical impulses from the peripheral nerve endings to the brain. This boosts mood by releasing endorphins and causing a strong antidepressant effect.
  8. Builds will power. It takes a lot of mental strength and will to purposefully take a cold shower, especially after being so acclimated to warm and comfortable showers. The more you do it the more you can do it.
  9. Increase and balance hormones. Along with increased circulation comes nerve and gland stimulation with exposure to cold. As glands are stimulated so are their excretions, which are all hormones. This improves the balance and function of hormones throughout the body.
  10. Improves sleep. By increasing and balancing hormones, it improves sleep hormone production as well. A cold shower before bed can work like a tranquilizer.
  11. Improves breathing. The shock of entering the cold water makes you take a full, deep breath. Breathing in cold water becomes deep and erratic, allowing for more oxygen to enter the bloodstream.