Detox Tea

Mother Jai’s Herbal Tea Blends

Mother Jai’s Detox Tea

A wonderful blend of herbs that nourish the liver and kidneys and help promote the excretion of waste from cellular activity. While helping the liver remove the buildup of toxic chemicals absorbed from processed foods and our environment. This blend of dandelion root and leaves, nettles leaves, red clover flower and leaves, and yarrow flower is truly all natural.

Dandelion Root & Leaf – strong liver tonic and diuretic

Nettles Leaf – strong anti-inflammatory and reduces allergic reactions

Red Clover Flower & Leaf – boosts immunity and helps body prevent infection

Yarrow Flower – promotes liver function and healing of tissue damage

Together these herbs work synergistically to improve waste removal functions.

This tea only needs to be consumed ONCE a week.

Get your Detox Tea here.

How can Mother Jai’s Detox Tea help us now?

One reason our immune systems are compromised is because of the increasing buildup of man-made chemicals in our environment. We can reduce our intake of some of them through healthier choices, definitely not all of them. Our environment, or everything we come into contact with (air, water, yard, furniture, clothing, utensils, appliances, etc), is filled with toxins that we can do nothing about.

Going beyond self isolation we can help our bodies remain strong in any environment, with any exposure, simply by nourishing them. This is where Mother Jai’s all natural Detox Tea comes in. The plants mixed in this tea are known to be nourishing, supportive, strengthening and healing to the body’s waste removal systems. In other words, drinking this tea, even once a week, can help the body remove toxins and be healthier and stronger overall, no matter your health status when you start drinking it.

As with any detoxifier, to avoid dehydration, you must increase your water consumption to help the body flush out the toxins when removed from the body’s cells. Most commonly the fat cells. One benefit for some while drinking this tea is weight loss, simply because you’re increasing your water consumption (automatically reduces fat storage through proper hydration) and because you’re removing toxins from the body (usually stored in the fat cells).

Get your Detox Tea here.

Toxic Hygiene

Hygiene Should Be Nourishing

Mother Jai’s creates only truly natural hygiene and skin care products for truly natural health promotion in every aspect of your personal care regimen. Mother Jai’s does this because of the ingredients used in commercial and prescription products. The list below includes a few examples of what may be found in any hygiene product purchased at the local grocery store.

Get your handmade products here.

What’s in your commercially produced toothpaste, mouthwash, and face mask?

Phthalates: Sometimes shown on a label as; i-n-butyl phthalate (DBP), di(2-ehtylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP). Commonly found in: Scented body products, perfume and air freshener. Phthalates are a family of chemicals that are used in most artificially scented products on the market today.  They are used to help stabilize the fragrance chemicals. Studies have concluded that phthalates can contribute to early-onset menopause and can also contribute to infertility in women and men. They can have a definite impact on the natural hormones circulating in the body and have shown the ability to reduce circulating sex hormones.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate: Sometimes shown on label as SLS, SLES. Commonly found in:  Shampoo, Moisturizer and Cosmetics. The sodium lauryl sulfate found in our soaps is exactly the same as you would find in a car wash or even a garage, where it is used to degrease car engines. Perhaps most worryingly, SLS is absorbed into the body from skin application. Once it has been absorbed, one of the main effects is to mimic the activity of the hormone estrogen. This has many health implications and may be responsible for a variety of health problems from PMS and Menopausal symptoms to dropping male fertility and increasing female cancers such as breast cancer, where estrogen levels are known to be involved.

Cocoamide (DEA), Diethanolamine (TEA), Triethanolamine, (MEA): Commonly found in:  Shampoo, Moisturizer and Cosmetics. These chemicals can react with other ingredients in the cosmetic formula to form an extremely potent carcinogen called nitrosodiethanolamine (NDEA). NDEA is readily absorbed through the skin and has been linked with stomach, esophagus, liver and bladder cancers.

Propylene Glycol, Propylene Oxide, Polyethylene Glycol (PGE’s): Commonly found in; Paint, Cleansers, Moisturizers and Baby Wipes. According to a study by Karlstad University, the concentrations of PGEs, propylene glycol and glycol ethers in indoor air, particularly bedroom air, has been linked to increased risk of developing numerous respiratory and immune disorders in children, including asthma, hay fever, eczema, and allergies, with increased risk ranging from 50% to 180%.

Triclosan: The popular toothpaste Colgate Total contains an antibacterial chemical called triclosan, which allows the company to tout it as the “only toothpaste approved by the FDA to help fight plaque and gingivitis.” But while triclosan has been shown to help prevent gingivitis, the benefit comes at a steep price. The chemical has been linked to concerns over antibiotic resistance and endocrine disruption. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals are a serious concern, as they can promote a wide variety of health problems, including breast, ovarian, prostate, and testicular cancer, preterm and low birth weight babies, precocious puberty in girls, and undescended testicles in boys.

Artificial Sweeteners: Aspartame, xylitol and other artificial sweeteners are often added to commercial toothpastes. Aspartame is primarily made up of aspartic acid and phenylalanine. The phenylalanine has been synthetically modified to carry a methyl group, which provides the majority of the sweetness. That phenylalanine methyl bond, called a methyl ester, is very weak, which allows the methyl group on the phenylalanine to easily break off and form methanol. You may have heard the claim that aspartame is harmless because methanol is also found in fruits and vegetables. However, in fruits and vegetables, the methanol is firmly bonded to pectin, allowing it to be safely passed through your digestive tract. Not so with the methanol created by aspartame; there it’s not bonded to anything that can help eliminate it from your body. In humans, the methyl alcohol travels through your blood vessels into sensitive areas, such as your brain, where the methanol is converted to formaldehyde. And since there’s no catalase present, the formaldehyde is free to cause enormous damage in your tissues. Symptoms from methanol poisoning are many, and include headaches, ear buzzing, dizziness, nausea, gastrointestinal disturbances, weakness, vertigo, chills, memory lapses, numbness, and shooting pains in the extremities, behavioral disturbances, and neuritis.

Fluoride: the supposed answer to decaying teeth, but it’s been receiving increasing scrutiny in recent years, and for good reason. Fluoride toothpaste is often the largest single source of fluoride intake for young children and is a major risk factor for disfiguring dental fluorosis. This is because children swallow a large amount of the paste that they put in their mouth. In fact, research has shown that it is not uncommon for young children to swallow more fluoride from toothpaste alone than is recommended as an entire day’s ingestion from all sources. Swallowing fluoride, as is the case with fluoridated drinking water, is especially detrimental to your health, as the science clearly demonstrates that fluoride is a toxic chemical that accumulates in your tissues over time, wreaks havoc with enzymes, and produces a number of serious adverse health effects, including neurological and endocrine dysfunction. Children are particularly at risk for adverse effects of overexposure. If you have a young child, therefore, it’s recommended that you use a non-fluoride toothpaste, although I recommend the same for adults as well.

Chlorhexidine: This chemical is believed to be the cause of increased blood pressure associated with mouthwash use. According to a study published in the journal Free Radical Biology and Medicine, using mouthwash just twice a day can increase blood pressure and lead to serious heart conditions. Chlorhexidine kills the good bacteria in the body that is responsible for relaxing the blood vessels.

Alcohol: Alcohol dries out the mucous membranes in the mouth and reduces saliva, causing bad breath. It changes the pH of the mouth and throat, and the Dental Journal of Australia found sufficient evidence that alcohol increases the risk of developing oral, head and neck cancers.

Hexetidine (oraldene): Ingesting too much of this chemical can cause clotting in parts of the brain that control sensory and neural functions, and it may cause failure in these parts of the brain over time. Oraldene can also cause unstable heartbeat and allergic reactions, and it’s considered to be carcinogenic.

Methyl Salicylate: Just one tablespoon of this substance is equivalent to over 23 300mg aspirin pills. An overdose can lead to kidney failure, loss of vision, low blood pressure, difficulty breathing, convulsions, vomiting and much more.

Benzalkonium Chloride: This is an allergen that can cause irritations in the skin and mucous membranes, leading to allergic reactions, difficulty breathing, and swelling of the mouth, face, lips or tongue.

Cetylpyridinium Chloride: This chemical can actually cause stains to develop on the teeth. It contains high amounts of alcohol and can lead to sensitivity, pain and irritation to the tongue.

Methylparaben: found within breast cancer tissues. It’s widely used in mouthwash and women’s cosmetics such as skin creams and deodorants. Studies suggest that it may increase the risk of breast cancer or accelerate the growth of tumors.

Artificial dyes: Not only can these stain your teeth, they are linked to tumor development and attention disorders. Commonly used mouthwash dyes like FD&C Green No. 3, D&C Yellow No. 10, and FD&C Blue No. 1 can cause liver damage.

Benzoyl Peroxide: Over the last decade, the popularity of pimple-zapping products has skyrocketed. benzoyl peroxide is responsible for this, but you should be wary about using it. That’s because it’s been linked with the promotion of tumor growth. Beyond that, it produces toxic effects in the body simply through inhalation, and is a known skin, eye and respiratory irritant. As if that isn’t bad enough, it’s extremely toxic if you swallow it.

Hydroquinone: As a skin lightener that reduces dark blemishes caused by everything from medical reactions to bruising, hydroquinone sounds too good to be true. Hydroquinone reduces the melanin in your skin to get rid of those unsightly marks, but in doing so, it hurts your skin in many ways. First of all, it’s permanently altering your pigment while also weakening the elastin and collagen in your problem area – the very things that are key to keeping your skin firm and youthful! Some people get unsightly blotches after using hydroquinone, and far more get contact dermatitis or have allergic reactions after regular use. Considering how easily it irritates your skin, it’s a wonder that it’s used at all. Finally, like so many ingredients on this list, there is some suspicion that it’s a carcinogen. The results aren’t worth the harm it causes.

Petroleum: in so many cosmetics products, it’s ridiculous. And in case you’re wondering, yes, it’s the very same substance from which your motor oil is made. It hides behind many names that you should familiarize yourself with. They are: Petrolatum, Xylene, Toluene, Mineral oil, Liquid paraffin, and more.

Microbeads: tiny plastic pellets found in body washes, facial scrubs, toothpaste, and more. The microbeads go down your drain, through the filters at most wastewater treatment plants, and out into the environment. Plastic microbeads absorb toxins from the water and are eaten by a wide variety of marine life and, ultimately, by humans as well. There’s good reason to boycott any toothpaste containing microbeads, even aside from the obvious environmental threat. Last year, a Dallas dental hygienist reported finding the microbeads in patients’ teeth.

Instead of harming your body with hygiene, try natural and nourishing ingredients instead.

Mother Jai’s hand blends all of her simple products from local and responsibly sourced organic ingredients.

Get your handmade products here.

Distilled Water: boiled and condensed water. Leaves behind only pure H2O. Perfect with a few essential oils for a naturally effective mouthwash.

Activated Charcoal: hardwood charcoal oxygenated for toxin adsorption (electrical absorption). Attracts and bonds with toxins and bacteria, safely and effectively carrying them away.

Horsetail Fern: plant stalk powder rich in silica that is absorbed into tooth enamel and hardens and/or strengthens it. Provides building blocks and other nutrients to all tissues and is absorbed in the mouth.

Arrowroot: plant root powder containing natural proteins and fibers. Used for stabilizing the toothpaste and face mask. Provides anti-inflammatory and balancing principles to tissues.

Baking Soda (Sodium bicarbonate): naturally occurring compound that is an anti-inflammatory and pH balancing. Naturally counteracting the effects of acids in the body.

Essential Oils: organic aromatic compounds extracted from plant material by steam (water) distillation. All essential oils have antimicrobial effects because that is why plants create them, to protect themselves from invaders. They are full of compounds useful by the body for altering and improving health and function.

Get your handmade products here.

Sunflower Oil – is an ideal “carrier” oil for many of these nutrients because it’s easy for your skin to absorb. Once absorbed, the nutrients penetrate deep into the hypodermis to nourish your subcutaneous fat cells (which fuel regeneration and renewal).

Safflower Oil – contains about 75% linoleic acid. This amount is significantly higher than corn, soybean, cottonseed, peanut or olive oils. Linoleic acid, which is high in polyunsaturated acids, can help to decrease cholesterol and the associated heart and circulatory issues. Studies have shown however, that the high levels of omega-9 fatty acids in safflower oil improves the body’s immune system and lowers LDL or “bad” cholesterol.

Vitamin E Oil – a strong, natural antioxidant that helps to prolong the life of the oil blend. Highly healing to tissues and promotes cellular regeneration.

Get your handmade products here.

CBD Sleep Spray


You deserve a good night’s rest! Our bodies release different hormones to help promote normal functions, such as sleep. Unfortunately, as we age, environmental factors such as artificial light reduce amount of hormones our bodies are able to produce, resulting in a lack of sleep.


WORKS QUICKLY: Nutrients are absorbed orally almost instantly

PROMOTES: Promotes good sleep habits & helps fight insomnia.

PROVIDE: Healthy ingredients such as CBD & Valerian Root.

A Perfect Night’s Sleep

“For several years, I have not been able to sleep in the same bed as my husband due to his snoring and he stops breathing while asleep. He has been using the sleep spray since the end of April 2018 and I have been sleeping in the same room with him since then! He feels more rested in the mornings as well! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this product and he does too! We will never be without this product. Tell someone else about this – help them get a better, more restful night’s sleep.” – Pamela Moynihan

Get Yours Here!

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Cold & Flu Tea

Mother Jai’s Cold & Flu Tea

This time of year, and especially into January, here in Colorado, everyone gets sick, even the healthiest of people. This is due to the wild swings in outdoor temperatures that happen in a cold desert. If we are not prepared and we get caught in a cold wind or a fast snowstorm and we get chilled, our defenses are lowered, and invaders creep in. Viruses and bacteria love the cold, that’s why we make a fever when infected.

Our biggest concern is the ingredients found in over-the-counter cold and flu medicines. Most of these chemical concoctions should not be consumed by a human and yet we willingly take them to feel better. So, we created all-natural herbal blends that are nourishing replacements for OTC chemicals.

Mother Jai’s blog provides information on alternatives to over-the-counter products (OTCs) and commercialized extracts (herbal supplements). Both to help protect you and your family’s healthy future and to help educate everyone on effective natural alternatives. Nature has always had the best remedies.


Peppermint: relieves headache and pain, strengthens immune system, fights sinus problems, thins mucus, soothes upset stomach, reduces stress and anxiety, stimulates alertness, and freshens breath.

Eucalyptus: decongestant, thins mucus, soothes mucous membranes, opens airways, relieves pain, boosts immunity, and is anti-inflammatory.

Marjoram: tonic (nutrient dense), helps fight infection, removes free radicals, tastes great, and soothing to mucous membranes (prevents over-drying of sinuses that happens with decongestants).

Sage: cough suppressant, antispasmodic, improves immune function, enhances mental clarity and improves concentration, soothes sore throat and upset stomach.

Catnip: calms coughs and anxiety, reduces fevers, affects viruses, and is anti-inflammatory. Can cause drowsiness in large amounts, that’s why Mother Jai uses a small amount in this blend so that the peppermint can prevent that effect.

This tea is a MEDICINE and must be treated as such. It should not be consumed every day, only during times of illness is this blend most beneficial.

Avoiding Toothpaste

What’s in Your Toothpaste?

When it comes to toothpaste, buyer beware. It is not regulated by the FDA because it is considered a cosmetic product. Even though it goes in your mouth! Companies do not have to list all of the ingredients in their products, nor are they required to register their manufacturing facilities with the government or report “adverse events,” making it difficult for regulators to spot potential problems. Essentially, the cosmetics industry regulates itself.

The Cornucopia Institute is chartered as a tax-exempt public charity focusing on research and education. Cornucopia aims to empower organic producers, consumers, and wholesale buyers to make discerning marketplace decisions protecting the credibility of the organic food and farming movement and the value it delivers to society. They have provided some great information on personal hygiene products.

Is it time to reduce chemicals in your environment? Removing these products from your home is a huge step. Don’t believe me? Read your labels and see what you are ingesting multiple times a day.

The Cornucopia Institute’s research on toothpaste uncovered some interesting information:

  • When potentially toxic chemical ingredients are present in toothpaste and mouthwash, they are likely to pass directly and quickly into the bloodstream, even if the toothpaste is not swallowed. This is because the membrane lining of the mouth (oral mucosa) has an absorption efficiency of more than 90%, according to the Physician’s Desk reference Handbook.
  • A label containing the word “natural” does not necessarily mean a toothpaste is free of potentially harmful ingredients.
  • Some prominent “natural” brands are manufactured by companies that primarily sell mass-marketed brands. For example, Tom’s of Maine is owned by Colgate-Palmolive, the company that also makes Colgate toothpaste.
  • Toothpastes sold in Europe have different, safer formulations than the same products, made by the same companies sold in the U.S., to accommodate stricter EU cosmetics laws.
  • The American Dental Association is heavily subsidized by the cosmetic industry, creating a conflict of interest. Its seal does not guarantee the safety of toothpastes, or other oral products, or the quality of the ingredients in these products.
  • The drive to maximize profit margins focuses investment in advertising and packaging, rather than safe and high-quality ingredients.
  • Many ingredients in toothpastes are synthetics derived from petroleum or from heavily processed and synthesized natural ingredients, which, in their final formulation, are not remotely related to the natural parent compound (e.g. coconut oil), and some may become potentially toxic.
  • Toothpaste ingredient labels are often unintelligible, with difficult to pronounce ingredients that only a cosmetics chemist might decipher and understand.
  • Some toothpastes may contain contaminated ingredients. In addition, toxic compounds may be formed by the interaction of ingredients under certain conditions or may be released slowly over time.
  • The average American will use about 20 gallons of toothpaste over his or her lifetime.
  • Children are at greater risk of exposure, because they tend to ingest more toothpaste than adults; in addition, their exposure, will be greater than adults’ in terms of amount of toothpaste used per body weight.
  • Toothpastes specifically targeted to children often contain artificial colors (food dyes), which have been linked to hyperactivity and related behavioral problems in children. Some of which also pose a risk of cancer and allergic reactions.


  • Mild abrasives to remove debris and residual surface stains. Examples include calcium carbonate, dehydrated silica gels, hydrated aluminum oxides, magnesium carbonate, phosphate salts, and silicates.
  • Fluoride to strengthen tooth enamel and remineralize tooth decay. All ADA-accepted toothpastes contain fluoride.
  • Humectants to prevent water loss in the toothpaste. Examples include glycerol, propylene glycol, and sorbitol.
  • Flavoring agents, such as saccharin, sorbitol, and other sweeteners, to provide taste. Flavoring agents do not promote tooth decay. (No ADA-Accepted toothpaste contains sugar or any other ingredient that would promote tooth decay.)
  • Thickening agents or binders to stabilize the toothpaste formula. They include mineral colloids, natural gums, seaweed colloids [e.g. carrageenan], or synthetic cellulose.
  • Detergents to create foaming action, including sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium lauroyl sarcosinate.
  • Some toothpastes contain ingredients such as potassium nitrate or strontium chloride to help reduce tooth sensitivity; stannous fluoride and triclosan to help reduce gingivitis; pyrophosphates, triclosan, and zinc citrate to help reduce a buildup of hardened plaque; modified silica abrasives or enzymes to help whiten teeth by physically removing surface stains; and some additional ingredients, such as triclosan, to help reduce bad breath.

LIST OF COLOR ADDITIVES, PIGMENTS AND COLORANTS CURRENTLY USED IN SOME TOOTHPASTES – These are mainly found in mass-marketed toothpastes, such as Crest, Colgate, Aquafresh, Arm & Hammer, etc.:

  • FD&C Blue 1 (also known as Blue 1)
  • FD&C Blue 1 Aluminum Lake (also known as Blue 1 Aluminum Lake or Blue 1 Lake)
  • FD&C Red 40 (also known as Red 40)
  • FD&C Red 40 Aluminum Lake (also known as Red 40 Aluminum Lake or Red 40 Lake)
  • FD&C Red 33
  • D&C Red 33 (also known as Red 33)
  • D&C Red 30 (also known as Red 30)
  • D&C Red 30 Lake Aluminum (also known as Red 30 Aluminum Lake or Red 30 Lake)
  • FD&C Yellow 5 (also known as D&C Yellow 5 or Yellow 5)
  • FD&C Yellow 5 Aluminum Lake (also known as D&C Yellow 5 Aluminum Lake, Yellow 5 Aluminum Lake or Yellow 5 Lake)
  • FD&C Yellow 6 Aluminum Lake (also known as Yellow 6 Aluminum Lake or yellow 6 Lake)
  • D&C Yellow 10 (also known as Yellow 10)
  • D&C Yellow 10 Aluminum Lake (also known as Yellow 10 Aluminum Lake or Yellow 10 Lake)
  • FD&C Green 3 (also known as Green 3)
  • titanium dioxide
  • zinc oxide
  • iron oxides

So, after reading all of those, do you still want to put toothpaste in your mouth, in your children’s mouths?

I certainly don’t! That’s why I make Mother Jai’s Charcoal Toothpowder. It’s all natural, deeply cleansing, antibacterial, and healing to teeth, gums, cheeks and tongue. And it can be swallowed without calling the poison control center!

Mother Jai’s Charcoal Toothpowder is Simply made with:

  • activated charcoal (extremely adsorptive [electrical absorption], provides gentle abrasion to tooth surface, and deeply cleansing between teeth)
  • shavegrass or horsetail fern (full of natural, plant based silica to reharden enamel on teeth and strengthen roots and tooth canals)
  • arrowroot powder (antibacterial and healing to tissues, used by natives to kill bacteria in arrow wounds)
  • Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate (acid reducing to help prevent acids from feeding bacteria forming on teeth and causing plaque formation and tooth decay)