What is Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is….

A form of alternative medicine that uses volatile plant materials, known as essential oils, and other aromatic compounds for the purpose of altering mind, mood, cognitive function, or physical health. Aromatherapy does not cure conditions, but helps the body to find a natural way to cure itself and improve immune response.

When we think about plants we understand they have their own physiology, their own immune response, their own defense against invaders. These are the plants essential oils. They are ‘essential’ for the plants survival and function in its environment.

When we use steam or fat to extract those ‘essential’ properties we are getting a concentrated volatile compound. The volatility of essential oils makes them easily evaporate at room temperature. They disperse or diffuse into the air and are inhaled.

This is where the ‘Aroma’ part of Aromatherapy came in. Due to the fact that these volatile oils are often aromatic (carrying an aroma) means that we smell the compounds as they enter our nostrils. This also means that those chemical compounds have a direct connection to the brain through the olfactory bulb. Every smell we experience affects all of the systems in the body through the large olfactory bulb and it’s close communication with the brain and gut.

Through this direct connection to the brain and gut Aromatherapy can help the brain and body function more effectively through nourishment and support. The chemical compounds in essential oils are all natural, not man-made or synthesized, meaning they are readily utilized by the body because they are so similar to our own chemical compounds. Thus they are easily utilized in healing and maintaining health.

Instead of doing something for the body, interrupting normal functions, or forcing unnatural reactions, like pharmaceuticals, Aromatherapy provides nutrients not found in a multivitamin or even a balanced diet. Many aromatic plants are not edible so the only way to obtain their beneficial properties is through Aromatherapeutic application.

Aromatherapeutic Applications

In the Air – by spraying an Everclear alcohol based blend or diffusing undiluted oils. You can achieve the same benefits of an over-the-counter medication with simple and safe aromatic diffusion. Alcohol based sprays emulsify the oils for complete dispersion into the air and onto the body or surface.

On Surfaces – an Everclear alcohol based blend can be used to clean and sanitize surfaces without poisonous man-made chemicals. Using aromatherapy sprays to clean hard surfaces, mirrors, and windows reduces your exposure to the toxic chemicals found in commercial cleansers. Using a natural cleaner on pet cages and toys also improves your pets health.

On the Skin – dilution into a carrier oil and applying to the skin or soaking in the bath. The skin is an amazing organ that processes everything it absorbs. When essential oils are applied to the skin they are readily absorbed and rapidly transported to the blood stream and through the body to directly affect all organs and systems naturally through nourishment.

In the Mouth – dilution with Everclear alcohol, vegetable oil or powder and brushing and/or rinsing. Using an alcohol emulsifier like Everclear, completely disperses the essential oil molecules. When the oil molecules are safely broken down or emulsified and then diluted with water you can then rise your mouth without risking an acid type burn on the mucous membranes of the mouth. The nutrients in essential oils are great for healing and disinfecting our teeth, gums, and tongue.

Never for internal use! No matter what any rep of any company tells you! No matter how organic or ‘pure’ the products are, essential oils can damage delicate mucous membranes when taken internally. Herbal teas are much safer for internal treatments.

Blending Your Own Products

Always remember dilute, dilute, dilute!

Essential oils are highly concentrated and not to mention expensive. So why waste them by using them undiluted? Why risk your health by using them undiluted? Of course diffusion is the exception, simply because the air dilutes the essential oils. See the dilution chart below to safely blend your own products.

Afraid to blend your own? Don’t have the time? Don’t want to purchase all the necessary supplies? Well no problem! Let Mother Jai do it for you! Shop our products or send an email below for a custom blend.

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