Patchouli Oil

Own work assumed (based on copyright claims)., CC BY-SA 3.0,

Patchouli oil (Pogostemom cablin)

Patchouli oil’s aroma can be an acquired taste. Not everyone loves the smell of ‘deodorized hippie’, as my Grandmother once said. Even though it can be overpowering, this oil is not something you should avoid. The benefits greatly outweigh the smell, especially when it is diluted and blended with other oils.

Patchouli essential oil is steam distilled from the dried leaves of the plant. It has a deep, earthy and woodsy scent. The oil is thick and dark brown in color.

Major Constituents of Indonesian Patchouli Oil: Patchouli Alcohol, a-Bulnesene, a-Guaiene, Seychellen, Gamma-Patchoulene, a-Patchoulene, β-patchoulene, α-bulnesene, seychellene, norpatchoulenol, pogostone, eugenol and pogostol.

Blending: Patchouli essential oil blends well with essential oils of bergamot, clary sage, geranium, lavender, and myrrh.

By Itineranttrader – Own work, Public Domain,

Patchouli Essential Oil Uses: Acne, Athlete’s Foot, Candida, Chapped Skin, Dandruff, Depression, Dermatitis, Eczema, Fatigue, Fever, Frigidity, Hair Care, Infection, Inflammation, Insect Repellent, Mature Skin, Oily Skin and Stress.

Patchouli essential oil can be a great alternative if you are allergic to lavender or chamomile essential oils.

In traditional medicinal practices, it is used to treat colds, headaches, fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, insect and snake bites. In aromatherapy, patchouli oil is used to relieve depression, stress, calm nerves, control appetite and to improve sexual interest.

Modern studies have revealed several biological activities such as antioxidant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiplatelet, antithrombotic, aphrodisiac, antidepressant, antimutagenic, antiemetic, digestive, fibrinolytic and cytotoxic activities.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine Pogostemon cablin is a medicinal herb commonly used for treating gastrointestinal symptoms, including colds, headaches, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, ulcerative colitis, dyspepsia, and poor appetite.

Benefits of Using Patchouli Essential Oil

Anticancer: In 2013, researchers performed an in vitro study to investigate whether patchouli oil affects an increase and infection of human colorectal (colon and rectum) cancer cells and define its potential molecular mechanisms. The data found that patchouli oil suppressed cell growth and induced apoptosis, which means that the cells were no longer a threat. In addition, the patchouli oil reduced enzyme activity — the reactions that cancer can have on the body. These surprising and optimistic findings suggest that patchouli oil exerts an anti-cancer activity by decreasing cell growth and increasing apoptosis in human colorectal cancer cells.

Antidepressant: the impact that inhaling patchouli oil has on our hormones, it encourages the release of serotonin and dopamine; these hormones ease feelings of anger, anxiety and anxiousness.

Anti-inflammatory: Patchouli oil has antiphlogistic properties, which means that it has the power to soothe inflammation in the body. With inflammation at the root of most disease, patchouli oil can address internal inflammation and such conditions as arthritis and gout, and deal with external inflammation that can be present in skin infections or irritations.

Antiseptic: it protects cuts or sores on the skin from becoming infected. It also kills fungus, so it can help if you are battling athlete’s foot or another fungal infection. Simply rub 2–3 drops of diluted patchouli oil on the infected area or make yourself a warm bath with 5–10 drops of this infection preventing oil.

Deodorant: it can be used to mask body odor naturally. It also kills germs and fights fungus, so it’s makes a great natural home deodorizer for any infected area.

Digestive Tonic: helps to tone your liver, stomach and intestines. This increases your ability to decompose food and absorb nutrients properly, so it impacts your digestive system. Because of these metabolic benefits, patchouli oil will give you more energy and help your body to function properly.

Diuretic: increases the frequency of urination, and this can be beneficial to your health in several ways: You are removing excess salt, water and uric acid, which is good for your gallbladder, kidneys and liver.

Hormone Support: has the power to stimulate hormones and increase your libido or sex drive. It can be considered as one of the natural remedies for impotency and erectile dysfunction. Used as an aphrodisiac for years, patchouli oil boosts your testosterone and estrogen levels, and this can have a huge impact on your intimate relationships.

Insomnia: as a sedative, it helps to treat insomnia; it helps to put your mind and body at ease and allows you to rest peacefully.

Repellent: it will repel mosquitoes, fleas, ants, lice, moths and flies. You can use patchouli oil outside while you are gardening or dining in the backyard, or you can use it inside — especially if you are battling bed bugs or lice; try adding patchouli oil to your laundry detergent or burn five drops of the oil in an oil burner.

Skin Care: regenerates new skin cells, and this keeps the skin looking young, healthy and vibrant. It is also great for all skin types — dry, cracked skin and oily or acne-prone skin; you will see the healing and germ-fighting benefits of this oil either way. Because of its quick-healing properties, patchouli oil minimizes the look of scars or marks that are left from acne, wounds, measles, pox or boils. You can even heal bug bites with this powerful essential oil.


Homemade Bug Spray


1/2 cup witch hazel

1/2 cup apple cider vinegar

40 drops of patchouli essential oil

Glass spray bottle


Mix all ingredients in 8-ounce spray bottle.

Spray over all portions of the body but avoid repellent in eyes and mouth.

Homemade Anti-Aging Serum


½ tablespoon jojoba oil

½ tablespoon evening primrose Oil

½ tablespoon pomegranate oil

15 drops vitamin E

20 drops lavender oil or frankincense oil

10 drops carrot seed oil


Mix all of the ingredients together into a dark glass bottle. Use every morning and night on face, neck and chest.

Homemade Men’s Cologne


5 drops cedarwood essential oil

3 drops bergamot essential oil

2 drops sandalwood essential oil

8 ounces (300ml) 70 percent alcohol or vodka

Glass roll on tube or glass cologne spray bottle


Mix all ingredients together and store in a bottle.

Dab on as needed.

Risks of Using Patchouli Essential Oil

Patchouli oil does not often elicit irritation or an allergic response when applied to the skin. But you should still be careful when initially applying it in case a reaction occurs. Never apply undiluted patchouli essential oil to the skin.

Because patchouli oil can affect blood clotting, the following people should avoid using patchouli oil:

  • those taking blood-thinning medication
  • individuals who have recently had or will be undergoing major surgery.
  • those with bleeding disorders, such as hemophilia

As always, it’s important to remember that essential oils are very concentrated and should be properly diluted before using on the skin or for aromatherapy. Never eat or drink any essential oil without first consulting a qualified medical professional.

Dealing with Kidney Infections Naturally

I was born with a birth defect that caused permanent kidney damage. Doctors surgically re-implanted my ureters into my bladder, causing scar tissue to form. The scar tissue traps irritants and bacteria from the urine causing inflammation and infection. For twenty years I had 4 to 6 kidney infections every year. Antibiotics and sulfa drugs were the prescriptions of choice. No one ever discussed diet choices or natural therapies for support during that entire time.

Then one day it all came crashing down. I was extremely stressed out. I had taken on too much by working, going to school, taking care of a family and starting a business. I had a massive infection; the pain was excruciating. The doctors prescribed the strongest antibiotic I have ever had. By the time I was done with it I knew something was very wrong. The infection was not gone after 14 days of treatment and my skin had turned grey. I was extremely fatigued, my muscles were sore, my joints were stiff, I was deeply depressed and an emotional wreck.

The antibiotics had killed all the bacteria, even the good ones. This allowed candida to overgrow everywhere, literally everywhere. That is when I learned what candidiasis is. That is a whole different story though. After a three day fast on vegetable juice I was able to start over.

As I was resting and healing, I learned as much as I could about the causes of kidney infections. I found that acids and caffeine in the diet were the two main culprits of kidney inflammation. Excess sugar (glucose) in the blood also causes kidney irritation, which is common in diabetics. Any irritation can lead to infection, especially with the damage I already had.

So, I began using the herbal remedies I learned about from books and in college. I also, almost completely, worked sugar, coffee, tea, soda and caffeine out of my diet. I made many changes that would help to prevent this from happening again. Instead of coffee, tea, and soda I drink a chicory root based chai tea that is caffeine free. I began using honey instead of sugar in my herbal teas. Eliminating most of the processed foods from my diet went a long way in reducing the inflammation.

To help prevent an infection I found a variety of herbal remedies that are great for keeping the inflammation down and reducing the chance for infection. Of course, there is chamomile, the best herbal anti-inflammatory, unless you are allergic to it. Adding lavender can be calming and pain relieving. Dandelion assists in liver and kidney function and works as a gentle diuretic. Nettles reduces mucolytic inflammation and helps balance hormones.

To help stop an infection once it has started, I found herbal remedies that work much like antibiotics in the body. Except they do not kill all bacteria, instead they provide nutrients that support and improve immune function. This way the body can fight the infection in a natural process, instead of being forced to kill everything. Usnea is an amazing antibiotic that grows on trees in any moist area throughout North America, even in Colorado. Uva Ursi is a Native American remedy for blood in the urine. Thyme (Red or Spanish) as an oil or herb is a strong antibiotic that will kill just about anything that does not belong.

Every day I drink at least 120 ounces of water and 72 ounces of herbal tea with honey and milk. My herbal tea includes cinnamon, clove, cardamom, ginger, chicory, uva ursi, dandelion, passionflower, rose, jasmine and blessed thistle. I drink 8 ounces cranberry juice once a week. Just to keep my kidneys flowing and my bladder clear.

Every day I eat at least one raw salad of leaf lettuce, cabbage, kale, carrots, avocado and nuts or seeds with homemade or bottled dressing. Some days I eat sardines, tuna or salmon with one meal. I avoid packaged foods as much as possible, but I do eat fast food or restaurant food for two or three meals a week. Breakfast usually includes either bacon and eggs with whole grain organic toast or yogurt and walnuts, depending on how active I need to be for the day.

Every day I use my homemade body oil to moisturize and nourish my skin. This is simply a sunflower oil base with essential oils for healing inside and out. The essential oils I use include (in order of concentration) sweet orange, lavender, geranium, ylang ylang, myrtle, thyme, sage, nutmeg, rose and jasmine. This blends assists in balancing hormones, boosting immunity and preventing infection. I can make a blends just for you as I do for myself and my family. Contact me here.

Or shop for handmade products below.

Every day I use CBD to also assist in relieving inflammation and pain. Cannabidiol has shown, through scientific research, its ability to nourish tissues, alleviate inflammation and reduce pain. CBD drops nourish from the inside and CBD vape is perfect for immediate pain relief. CBD lotions and skin care add additional nutrients not found in every day natural products. Get your American made CBD here.

I also use activity to help control my inflammation and reduce the pain. Yoga is huge for relieving pain by moving the fluids from the joints and tissues. Sweat producing weightlifting and aerobics are great for assisting the body in removing fluids and toxins. I use Tai Chi to help balance my emotions through self-control. Deep breathing and meditation practices help ease my mind and reduce mental inflammation.

Now whenever I have an infection, which are much fewer and farther apart thankfully, I take many different steps. First, I begin taking a two week regimen of Usnea and Uva Ursi capsules that I make at home and avoid any sugar. Then, I use specific yoga poses to tone the kidneys and assist in their function. I take warm mineral baths to assist in removing fluids and soothing pain. Much different than almost dying while taking antibiotics. I feel so much better, I have no words to describe how much better!

The cost difference is immense as well. I avoid costly doctors visits and expensive antibiotics, their side effects as well. Especially without health insurance. While maintaining improved health and wellness.

Ask me how I can help you here.