Stress Relief & Self Care for Business Owners

Becoming an entrepreneur is liberating in many ways, but it can also create stress. There are a number of tasks and responsibilities when you run your own business, which can become overwhelming after a while. Use this guide for tips on self-care, including exercise, relaxation, and time-saving ideas. For natural stress remedies, try aromatherapy products from Mother Jai.

Exercise for stress relief

One of the best ways to relieve stress is by getting exercise each day. Beyond the physical benefits such as improving circulation and muscle health, exercise can reduce stress and anxiety considerably. There are plenty of ways to get beneficial exercise, whether it’s going for a run in your neighborhood, hiking in the hills, or doing an online yoga class at home.

If you’re not comfortable at the gym, consider what types of workouts you can do at home. For example, Yoga and Pilates are both great ways to get your body moving and both require very little equipment. A yoga mat and a few props are typically enough to get started: Check out some online classes and see if you can fit it in on your lunch break or after work.

While running isn’t for everyone, it’s a fantastic way to improve heart health. You don’t have to run too many miles for the benefits; just 30 minutes of jogging will make a big difference to your cardiovascular health. And as an added bonus, your cardio efforts will help your body produce mood-enhancing oxytocin, endorphins, and serotonin.

Relaxation techniques at home

Along with exercise, consider incorporating relaxation techniques into your daily routine. Some of the most beneficial relaxation tactics include meditation and warm baths.

Meditation is one of the most effective ways to calm your mind and invite clarity into your day. If you’ve never practiced meditation, there are a few helpful mobile applications to help you get started. Apps such as Ten Percent Happier, Headspace, and Insight Timer all offer guided meditations to help new meditators. And according to Forbes, meditation has been shown to rival antidepressants in its ability to relieve stress and anxiety.

If you find yourself in a moment of high stress, consider trying the square breathing technique to calm your nerves. Square breathing involves inhaling for four seconds, pausing at the top of your breath for four seconds, exhaling for four seconds, and pausing at the bottom of your exhalation for another four seconds. Continue this pattern four times, and observe the changes in your body.

Stress can often cause your body to tighten and develop sore muscles, which is why a warm bath can be great for relaxation. Be sure to use Epsom salts to help soothe your muscles and consider adding some aromatherapy products such as lavender essential oils to help encourage total relaxation.

Business tips

Sometimes one of the best ways to reduce stress is by offloading some of your tasks. Consider time-saving options such as hiring specialists to help with certain aspects of your business. For example, hiring an accountant will take financial planning off your plate, and will help you balance your budget on a regular basis with more ease.

If you’re struggling to decide on a business structure, consider setting up a limited liability company or LLC to make your life easier. LLCs are great because they offer protection for your personal assets and offer tax advantages. You can even take advantage of a formation service if you don’t want to spend the time doing it yourself. Just be sure to check regulations around LLC filing in your state before getting too far into the process.

Getting a handle on your stress is a vital component of being a business owner, so use these tips to help you take care of yourself. Exercise and relaxation techniques are important, as is finding ways to offload responsibilities such as accounting. Not only will you feel better on a daily basis, but your business will also improve as you lower your stress.

Are you searching for the right aromatherapy products? Shop Mother Jai for natural products that promote wellness!

Wellness Education

Wellness Education with Jennifer

What is Wellness Education? A world of knowledge in your hands!

A series of classes developed by Jennifer, Mother Jai, Lawson. They are typically held in Assisted and Independent Living Communities. They cover the basics of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellness; herbal remedies and aromatherapy; self-care and alternative therapies. Jennifer provides lots of information on ways to develop your personal wellness.

Jennifer has compiled information from multiple reputable sources and put it together for ease of use. These books include the information discussed during classes. There are three books so far. Each covering different aspects of personal wellness.

Learn more about Wellness Education here.

Three Books Full of Information

Herbal Remedies 300 pages of info on common herbs, flowers, and spices. Including their uses, benefits, side effects, and interactions. Recipes for preparation, storage and use are also included.

Skin, Hair & Nailsover 100 pages of everything you need to know to take care of your skin and all of its conditions. Plus information on caring for your hair and nails.

Wellness Educationover 400 pages of health and wellness from head to toe. Including alternative therapies, fitness, anatomy and physiology, and self-care. Instructions and full color images are included.

Learn more about Wellness Education here.

10 Dimensions of Health

Wellness is the full integration of states of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. It includes social, emotional, spiritual, environmental, occupational, financial, intellectual, physical and sexual wellness.

Spiritual Wellness is the ability to establish peace and harmony in our lives. Spirituality is a personal matter involving values and beliefs that provide a purpose in our lives.

  • Do I make time for relaxation in my day?
  • Do I make time for meditation and/or prayer?
  • Do my values guide my decisions and actions?
  • Am I accepting of the views of others?

Physical Wellness is the ability to maintain a healthy quality of life that allows us to get through our daily activities without undue fatigue or physical stress.

  • Do I know health numbers, like cholesterol, weight, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels?
  • Do I get annual physical exams?
  • Do I avoid using tobacco products?
  • Do I get sufficient amount of sleep?
  • Do I have an established exercise routine?

Emotional Wellness is the ability to understand ourselves and cope with the challenges life can bring.

  • Am I able to maintain a balance of work, family, friends, and other obligations?
  • Do I have ways to reduce stress in my life?
  • Am I able to make decisions with a minimum of stress and worry?
  • Am I able to set priorities?

Social Wellness is the ability to relate to and connect with other people in our world.

  • Do I plan time to be with my family and friends?
  • Do I enjoy the time I spend with others?
  • Are my relationships with others positive and rewarding?
  • Do I explore diversity by interacting with people of other cultures, backgrounds, and beliefs?

Environmental Wellness is the ability to recognize our own responsibility for the quality of the air, the water and the land that surrounds us.

  • Do I recycle, reuse, or donate?
  • If I see a safety hazard, do I take the steps to fix the problem?
  • Do I volunteer time to worthy causes?
  • Am I aware of my surroundings at all times?

Creative Wellness is the ability to participate in arts and culture activities for the purpose of self-expression, stress-relief, and skill-building.

  • Do I take time to be creative?
  • Do I enjoy observing art or making art?
  • Am I aware of my own creative talents?
  • Do I appreciate the creative talents of others?

Occupational (Career) Wellness is the ability to get personal fulfillment from our jobs or our chosen career fields while still maintaining balance in our lives.

  • Do I enjoy my life most days?
  • Do I have a manageable workload at home?
  • Do I feel that I have accomplished my goals?

Financial wellness is an intricate balance of the mental, spiritual and physical aspects of money.

  • Do I have extra cash in my pocket?
  • Do I balance my checkbook regularly?
  • Do I protect myself from fraudulent activity?

Intellectual Wellness is the ability to open our minds to new ideas and experiences that can be applied to personal decisions, group interaction and community betterment.

  • Am I open to new ideas?
  • Do I seek personal growth by learning new skills?
  • Do I search for learning opportunities and stimulating mental activities?
  • Do I look for ways to use creativity?

The 10th and very important, but often forgotten or neglected, dimension of our wellness is our:

Sexual Wellness includes intimate physical contact and close personal relationships. No matter what we are told by churches or parents sex is an important part of human life. Whether or not we want to admit it we are animals and have the same drives and urges. Sexual health is an integral part of your overall wellness as you age. Countless scientific studies have shown the many benefits of a healthy and active love-life including; living longer, obtaining greater success in business and a greater overall well-being.

  • Am I able to interact with all genders in appropriate and respectful ways?
  • Do I feel comfortable discussing sexual issues?
  • Am I able to effectively communicate sexual limits?
  • Am I able to express physical feeling of attraction without focusing on the genitals?
  • Am I able to discuss desires and fantasies with partners?
  • Do I take steps to prevent unwanted pregnancies?
  • Do I take steps to protect myself from sexually transmitted diseases?
  • Am I able to develop friendships without sexual agendas?
  • Do I appreciate my own body? Am I comfortable in my skin?
  • Do I understand the physical and emotional consequences of sexual activity?