Healing With Color
In my last article, Color in Marketing, we learned about how corporations use color to affect our emotions and our choices. We gained an understanding that it is much more than a whim when you purchase something without thinking. Your reactions are guided by the colors chosen. So now we’ll look at how you can use color to your advantage and protect and heal yourself.

How Colors Affect Us
- Color is one of the languages of the soul, just look at inspired or meditative paintings.
- They influence our mood and emotions.
- They have their impact on our sense of well-being or un-easiness.
- Using and avoiding certain colors is a way of self-expression; it sheds light on our personality.
- Colors affect our way of perception (light colors make a space look big, a high ceiling looks less high when painted in a dark color, etc.)
- Colors have a symbolic meaning which is immediately recognized by our subconsciousness. It must be said that not all colors mean the same to all persons and all cultures.
- They influence the flow and amount of energy in our bodies.
- Colors tell something about biological attraction and sexual availability.

Color Therapy is the method of treating ailments through the use of color. Chromotherapy can be done by shining an appropriate color on an area of the body. It can also be done through the eyes by looking at a particular color, though this should be done with the utmost care to avoid any strain on the eyes. It is a complementary therapy and should not be used as an alternative to professional medical care. Its results vary and cannot be guaranteed – its efficacy will in large part be dependent on the individual.
How Color Healing Therapy Works
Healing with color is simple, it comprises of applying single or multiple colors using their vibrational energy to heal. When embarking on self-healing with color, a good rule of thumb to remember is: “Energy follows thought”, in other words where you concentrate your thoughts is where the energy will go. Therefore, by concentrating on a particular healing color through visualization for instance, the energy of that color will be projected by your thoughts. The “unbalanced” vibration in your body will begin to change and start to resonate with your particular chosen healing color.

Healing Colors
- Red: is a passionate and warm color which induces vitality and stimulates energy. It increases adrenaline and elevates blood pressure-so avoid using it when the patient is suffering from hypertension. Bright crimson red is even a more potent stimulator than orange. This should not be given to anyone on the head. But if really concentrated on to rheumatic joints it will be beneficial. This could be the reason why red is used only moderately in hospitals. At home though, you can use this color for stimulating appetite in weak patients. Red can also alleviate depression. It is one of the top healing colors for enhancing sexual appetite and overall vitality. As the light frequencies of red are slow and very long, they have high penetrating properties, therefore can be used to stimulate the aura (and physical body) to such an extent that circulatory blockages can be cleared.
- Orange: According to color healing therapy, orange is one of the best colors for hospitals and particularly for children’s rooms. Orange radiates warmth and is associated with joy and happiness. This is a stimulating color which can be given to the spleen, liver, kidneys, heart and indeed to any organ which helps to promote good circulation. In fact: even oranges which are packed with Vitamin C-the powerful antioxidant- are known to heal and fight free radicals to boost immunity. Therefore, as far as cancer healing colors go, orange is an important color in the color healing chart.
- Yellow: Search for healing colors for hospitals and yellow would be high up in the list. This bright and cheerful color can help stimulate intelligence and also detoxify the body and mind to heal patients quickly. Yellow is particularly recommended for patients with skin problems. It can inspire creativity in people who feel sluggish or lethargic. Yellow is the color which signifies wisdom. Any mental deficiency, no matter how it shows itself, will be relieved by the use of yellow if concentrated on to small areas of the body. Avoid overuse of yellow as it can hamper the digestive health and lead to stomach problems and insomnia.
- Green: known for its balanced healing properties. It is a restful color that symbolizes growth and renewal. It also encourages comfort and equilibrium and is particularly beneficial for the heart, lungs and circulatory system. This green is the great color of balance, which harmonizes the flow of prana or universal life force, throughout the psychic centers. It operates, as do all other colors, firstly on the aura, the reflection of which reacts upon the physical body. As green is the great balancer and harmonizer it causes many people to become very relaxed. It tends to counteract subtle energies which have built up in one nerve ganglia and causing starvation of another nerve ganglia. Start your treatment with an application of green and always finish with an application of green.
- Blue: This spiritual color is also the color of the sky and sea. Blue is an important healing color as it is linked with calm and serenity. It helps lower blood pressure and can reduce rapid heart rate. Blue is relaxing for the mind and body. It is associated with organs like eyes, ears and nose and involved with the senses of smell, sight and sound. If you are sensitive that you are liable to get physically cold under the application of a blue light. This is caused because the high vibrations are short and quick, and they manifest as cold rather than heat. From this you can see that orange and red produce heat and are therefore necessary in cases of low temperature; blue produces coldness and is therefore necessary in cases of high temperature. Blue causes most people to relax. An application of blue color vibrations will also help people to sleep who suffer with mild insomnia.
- Pink: feminine yet a soothing color that shows caring and affection. It is a protective and compassionate color that heals and soothes. This lighthearted color can stimulate happiness. Too much of bright pink might stimulate energy and incite passionate behavior just like its distant cousin Red. Pink can be however be safely useful in hospitals and prisons to reduce erratic behavior.
- Purple/Violet: Both, purple and violet, as well as its related shades like lilac and lavender are connected with spirituality. These healing colors are also linked with perception, higher consciousness and insight. Health wise, these colors are linked with the cerebral and nervous systems. Violet tends to bring great relaxation and also like blue, can often be felt as waves of coldness. It does not stimulate basic circulation, but it does stimulate the flow of the subtler energies throughout the psychic centers and the nervous system. Because of this it is especially beneficial when used on the forehead and neck.
- Indigo: a great purifier of the bloodstream and also benefits mental problems. It is a freeing and purifying agent. Indigo combines the deep blue of devotion with a trace of stabilizing and objective red. Indigo is cool, electric, and astringent. It is, also, the color ray used by Spirit to help entrance a medium. Indigo links with and stimulates the brow chakra (third eye) and controls the pineal gland. It governs both physical and spiritual (not psychic) perception; that is, clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. Thus, it can be of great assistance in dealing with ailments of the eyes and ears, as well as assisting in problems or conditions related to mediumship. Finally, indigo is considered the ray of the Holy Spirit.
- White: the perfect color; for it is all color, in perfect balance and harmony. It is the color of the awakened Spirit; the light of perfection; the light of the Christ and Buddhic consciousness. It is also the Divine Light. Just about everyone has heard of surrounding people with the “White Light of Healing and Protection.” Directing white into the aura helps stimulate the person’s own divine nature into healing the self.
- Brown: absorbs pain and sorrow, increases physical energy and primal strength, relieves disorders connected with feet, he legs, the hands, the skeleton, all back pain and also the large intestine.

Table of Color Healing Properties – Physical
Color breathing and meditation for healing: simple yet powerful color healing and color breathing meditation to gain benefits of color healing therapy.
- Sit outside in a chair or on the ground in sunshine.
- Close your eyes and count slowly as you breathe in.
- Hold the breath as you count slowly to 8 counts.
- Repeat this until your mind automatically quiets down and ponders over the healing harmony of colors that you receive from the sun’s rays.
- You can easily and gently try to focus your mind on the place between the eyebrows. This is the third eye center where the pituitary body is located. This little gland can increase your perception and sixth sense. Now let colors flood the entire body and mind.
- Repeat the exercise several times a day until you start to see Auras.
There are many colors that help healing but the colors described above are proven to work through every cell of the body even exert influence on the soul, consciousness and spirit. Use these healing colors wisely and bring peace, joy and vitality in you and your loved ones.

Ways to Apply Color for Healing
- On the subtler planes by the power of thought, by visualizing a color in your mind.
- With colored lights applied to the physical body.
- With colored stones applied directly to the body or held in the hand.
- With colored paper set directly in your line of sight, gazing at gently to avoid eyestrain. Or place a colored cloth over a lamp shade to make the whole room that color, just don’t start a fire.
- Set the color you choose on your desktop or phone. Focus on the color to absorb its healing energy.
Colors are a major healing force. They stimulate energies that support the entire energy system and a clear mind. They bring in a subtle substance to the cells and tissues of the body. The color of the mind amplifies mental understanding and clarity, making possible the integration of thoughts with the vast knowledge of the soul. The color of the physical body and brain also bring healing to the physical body. All seven colors emanate from the one primary color of this Solar system, indigo/sapphire blue. The soul of each individual functions on one of the seven rays, and each ray has its own color.

Contact Healing with Crystals
For healing choose smooth polished stones about the size of a large coin. Use an counter-clockwise movement to remove pain and clockwise to infuse the body with healing energies.
Crystal quartz: will unblock stagnant energies; infuse the body with energy and positive feelings into a person who is ill or sad. Clear quartz will also trigger the body’s immune system and innate regenerative powers. This crystal is for fast results and can substitute for any other crystal
Citrine: This is a sparking yellow sun crystal that is naturally warming and energizing but is gentler than clear quartz. Melting pain and tension, citrine fills you or the patient with a slow even flow of warming energies that will create a sense of well-being and rebalance the body. It is ideal for chronic conditions or where a patient is weakened or distressed
Rose Quartz or Amethyst: These pink or purple transparent crystals have similar properties and are both excellent for use with children, older people and animals. They are also helpful where calm, quiet-acting energies are necessary to soothe and harmonize a body that is over–stressed and a mind that is over-active. They will remove pain and problems caused by tension, hormonal swings or emotional crises that give rise to physical symptoms.

C. W. Leadbeater in “Inner Life,” Vol. 1, page 447-460 describes the colors and petals of each energy center in the human as follows:
- The base of the spine, four petals. These petals are in the shape of a cross, and radiate with orange fire.
- The solar plexus, ten petals, rosy color with admixture of green.
- The heart center, twelve petals glowing golden.
- The throat center, sixteen petals of a silvery blue, with blue predominating.
- The head center in its twofold divisions:
- Between the eyebrows, consisting of ninety-six petals, one-half of the lotus being rose and yellow, and the other half blue and purple.
- The very top of the head. A center consisting of twelve major petals of white and gold, and nine hundred and sixty secondary petals arranged around the central twelve.
When your body is purified, and its energies rightly directed, and when the rhythm of the soul is achieved, a radiant life is created. This works out literally as the life currents are directed by the soul through your nervous system and circulatory system.