When we hear the word Chakra, we may think of esoteric things, when it is an ancient word that simply names points in our body where the central nervous system connects with the peripheral nervous system. Each of these points circulates and disperses the electrical energy that flows through our nervous systems and out to our bodies. This electrical energy is what keeps our cells functioning, our mind thinking, and our body working.
Yes, I said electrical. Very low-level electromagnetic energy that is created, stored, and utilized throughout the body. Many people believe this electrical energy to be the soul, life force or spirit. This electromagnetic energy is technically carried along nerve fibers with the help of charged ions (sodium, potassium, chloride, and calcium) that use positive and negative electrical charges to push/pull electrical signals along the nerve fiber.
The nerve fiber is more conductive using the myelin sheath. Myelin is a layered material composed of phospholipid, cholesterol and protein that winds around nerve cell axons. Myelin insulates nerve impulses from neighboring nerve fibers, and it increases the speed of impulses through nerve axons.
Each chakra is located along the spine and brain where large bundles of nerves exit the spinal cord and innervate the body. These junctions or nerve bundles circulate or spiral the energy from the bundle out towards the body as a type of active transport using the myelin sheath. These are considered energy centers, there are seven main centers, five along the spine and two in and on the brain.
When our nerves are nourished and healthy the electrical impulses travel easily from brain to body and back again. When they are unhealthy, inflamed or malnourished, the electrical impulses are impeded, and dysfunction occurs within the corresponding area of the body. Meaning our chakra is blocked and we should take steps to get the energy flowing again.
Opening and promoting chakra flow is as simple as eating nutritious food most of the time, exercising regularly, meditating often (chakra meditations for example) and practicing self-care every week. If you’ve developed an ailment or disease try these simple things first and you will see a drastic reduction in or complete reversal of your illness or disease.
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Rose water, derived from its petals, is good for rejuvenating skin and fighting skin problems like allergies and acne.
Therapeutic Compounds Found in Rose Water
Geraniol, which has been shown to have antioxidant and anti-cancer effects
Citronellyl acetate, which gives rose its pleasant flavor and aroma
Citronellol (also found in citronella)
Eugenol, a powerful antioxidant that fights oxidative stress
Methyl eugenol, a natural antiseptic and anesthetic
Nerol, a natural antibiotic compound
Citral, which has antimicrobial properties
Carvone, which acts as a digestive aid
Benefits of Using Rose Water
Acne: rose water is anti-inflammatory and astringent. A few drops on a cotton ball and clean your face with it.
Dandruff: using rose water on hair makes it stronger, shiner and less prone to dandruff. Its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties can also help defend against dermatitis on the scalp and ingrown hairs.
Eye Strain: rose water is healing and cooling. Dip a cotton ball in rose water and place over closed eye for 15 minutes.
Skin Allergies: the anti-inflammatory and healing properties of rose water calm and sooth irritated skin.
Sore Throat: using water as a gargle can relieve inflammation and heal irritated tissues.
Stress: the fragrance of rose is a mood enhancer it helps to calm the nerves and bring relaxation for better sleep.
Becoming an entrepreneur is liberating in many ways, but it can also create stress. There are a number of tasks and responsibilities when you run your own business, which can become overwhelming after a while. Use this guide for tips on self-care, including exercise, relaxation, and time-saving ideas. For natural stress remedies, try aromatherapy products from Mother Jai.
Exercise for stress relief
One of the best ways to relieve stress is by getting exercise each day. Beyond the physical benefits such as improving circulation and muscle health, exercise can reduce stress and anxiety considerably. There are plenty of ways to get beneficial exercise, whether it’s going for a run in your neighborhood, hiking in the hills, or doing an online yoga class at home.
If you’re not comfortable at the gym, consider what types of workouts you can do at home. For example, Yoga and Pilates are both great ways to get your body moving and both require very little equipment. A yoga mat and a few props are typically enough to get started: Check out some online classes and see if you can fit it in on your lunch break or after work.
While running isn’t for everyone, it’s a fantastic way to improve heart health. You don’t have to run too many miles for the benefits; just 30 minutes of jogging will make a big difference to your cardiovascular health. And as an added bonus, your cardio efforts will help your body produce mood-enhancing oxytocin, endorphins, and serotonin.
Relaxation techniques at home
Along with exercise, consider incorporating relaxation techniques into your daily routine. Some of the most beneficial relaxation tactics include meditation and warm baths.
Meditation is one of the most effective ways to calm your mind and invite clarity into your day. If you’ve never practiced meditation, there are a few helpful mobile applications to help you get started. Apps such as Ten Percent Happier, Headspace, and Insight Timer all offer guided meditations to help new meditators. And according to Forbes, meditation has been shown to rival antidepressants in its ability to relieve stress and anxiety.
If you find yourself in a moment of high stress, consider trying the square breathing technique to calm your nerves. Square breathing involves inhaling for four seconds, pausing at the top of your breath for four seconds, exhaling for four seconds, and pausing at the bottom of your exhalation for another four seconds. Continue this pattern four times, and observe the changes in your body.
Stress can often cause your body to tighten and develop sore muscles, which is why a warm bath can be great for relaxation. Be sure to use Epsom salts to help soothe your muscles and consider adding some aromatherapy products such as lavender essential oils to help encourage total relaxation.
Business tips
Sometimes one of the best ways to reduce stress is by offloading some of your tasks. Consider time-saving options such as hiring specialists to help with certain aspects of your business. For example, hiring an accountant will take financial planning off your plate, and will help you balance your budget on a regular basis with more ease.
If you’re struggling to decide on a business structure, consider setting up a limited liability company or LLC to make your life easier. LLCs are great because they offer protection for your personal assets and offer tax advantages. You can even take advantage of a formation service if you don’t want to spend the time doing it yourself. Just be sure to check regulations around LLC filing in your state before getting too far into the process.
Getting a handle on your stress is a vital component of being a business owner, so use these tips to help you take care of yourself. Exercise and relaxation techniques are important, as is finding ways to offload responsibilities such as accounting. Not only will you feel better on a daily basis, but your business will also improve as you lower your stress.
Are you searching for the right aromatherapy products? Shop Mother Jai for natural products that promote wellness!
As a teenager I ate, drank and smoked whatever I wanted. My parents would caution me about using six packets of sugar in one cup of coffee. I had a sweet tooth to say the least. On top of that I loved junk food, especially ‘Mountain Dew’ and ‘Funions’. I was smoking cigarettes at age 12, I could steal them anytime from my grandmothers, father and stepmothers.
All of this time I never considered my kidney damage from birth defects or the chronic kidney infections I developed because of my diet and lifestyle choices. I simply continued to take the antibiotics with each infection. The damage was insidious and even though I felt great for years it did eventually catch up with me.
By the time I was pregnant with my third child I was already diabetic. The doctors informed me of that later. I had no clue, yet I was feeling very bad and I had gained a lot of weight. I had no health insurance so I was on my own in dealing with the symptoms. Of course I ignored them as much as I could like any person would who was raising a family while working and going to college.
Throughout the rest of the pregnancy they had me testing my blood and injecting insulin six times a day. My blood sugar would rise very high even when eating a carrot. The Gestational Diabetes was well established by the second trimester.
So I went to a Diabetic Nutritionist on a weekly basis. She helped me track what I was eating and begin to understand the fluctuations in blood sugar due to certain foods. I began to understand what I needed to do to help control my blood sugar. I was able to maintain my weight and keep my blood sugar balanced through the end. Even while working, going to college and taking care of my family.
Once the pregnancy was over they said I would have to continue to test my blood and inject insulin. Honestly I am terrified of shots and was not willing to continue injecting myself. Plus I still had no health insurance and Diabetic testing supplies and insulin are an enormous expense. There was no way we could afford it.
So I did what I could and watched my diet somewhat. Eventually it all backfired and after splurging on a dinner of a fast food hamburger, french fries and soda I found myself on the floor. I had almost blacked out and slid to the floor. The room was spinning as if I was drunk. My family was watching, helpless.
I did some research after I regained my feet and found that I was on the verge of a diabetic coma. This is when the blood sugar is so high it affects the brain and nervous system causing damage and eventually shut down. This is the main cause of Diabetic Neuropathy. This scared me so much I immediately began looking in to what more I could do to stop this from happening again.
The first thing I found was Chromium Picolinate. Chromium is the main nutrient utilized by the pancreas to create insulin. With Type II Diabetes the pancreas becomes overloaded and slows production of insulin and other related hormones. I began taking it once a day while I worked to change my diet and develop a fitness routine.
I was not physically fit because of desk jobs and sitting for school. So I began with Yoga. Back then Oprah had the Fit Channel that had multiple exercise shows. I started watching Hatha Yoga. Through the videos I learned how to do the poses and proper breathing. This caused me to decide to change my major in college to Integrative Therapies.
From 2007 to 2012 I learned everything I could about holistic wellness and healthy living. Courses included Anatomy and Physiology, Aromatherapy, Ayurveda, Herbal Remedies, Homeopathy, Pathology of Disease, etc. I earned a Bachelor of Science in Integrative Therapies with a minor in Health Care.
During this time I also gained control of my blood sugar and lost eighty pounds. Using what I learned I was able to quit smoking and finally end that awful habit as well. All while continuing to work and take care of my family. I was fit and healthy again, like in my twenties.
Now I am in my forties and a grandmother. I do still have to work to maintain my weight and blood sugar. There are times I slip and I really regret it. Then it takes a little time to get back on track. I am grateful to have the tools and experience to know when I am slipping and how to take action to bring balance again.
Now if you have been trying to find a way to improve your health and reduce your reliance on expensive medications I am here to help. I can help you make change using my process or I can help you to develop your own. I also offer a wide assortment of natural products to help reduce the chemicals in your environment.
Calcification is the accumulation of calcium salts in a body tissue. It normally occurs in the formation of bone, but calcium can be deposited abnormally in soft tissue, causing it to harden. Calcifications may be classified on whether there is mineral balance or not, and the location of the calcification.
Smoking is associated with increased calcifications in the heart and major arteries. As smoking is known to be a major risk factor for developing heart disease, these calcifications may also play a role. Overall, quitting smoking has both short- and long-term benefits, especially for your heart, blood vessels, and brain.
There is no proven way to prevent calcifications, as they’re a result of a variety of biological processes. Quitting smoking and changing diet may impact formation of calcifications, depending on the location of the buildup. Kidney stones may form less often with certain dietary changes. Talk to your doctor about ways to incorporate a healthy diet into your lifestyle.
Calcific tendonitis symptoms and treatments: Calcific tendonitis is the unwanted buildup of calcium deposits in your muscles or tendons. Although this can happen anywhere in the body, it’s most common in the rotator cuff of your shoulder. This condition may also be described as calcium deposits in the shoulder.
Calcific tendonitis symptoms: The main symptom is severe, sometimes disabling, pain. It can occur without any apparent cause, especially in the morning. It may be accompanied by stiffness and a frozen shoulder. Among the possible causes of this condition are genetic predisposition, abnormal thyroid activity, and diabetes.
Calcinosis cutis symptoms and treatments: Calcinosis cutis is the deposit of calcium under the skin. This can happen anywhere on the body. One rare form of it can occur on the face or upper body after a case of acne. The deposits usually show up as whitish bumps on the skin’s surface. They may have no other symptoms, or they may become tender and discharge a chalk-colored creamy material that’s mainly calcium.
Calcification under microscope.
Causes of Calcinosis Cutis
The causes of calcinosis cutis are broken down into four major types:
Dystrophic calcinosis cutis refers to calcium deposits that result from trauma, acne, varicose veins, infections, and connective tissue disease.
Metastatic calcinosis cutis can be caused by hyperactive thyroid, an internal cancer, destructive bone disease, excessive vitamin D intake, sarcoidosis, and chronic renal failure.
Iatrogenic calcinosis is the name for calcium deposits that result from a medical procedure such as calcium injections or repeated heel sticks (pricking the heel to draw blood) with newborns.
Idiopathic calcinosis is the name given when there’s no known cause for the condition. It’s usually localized in one area.
Dystrophic calcinosis: Dystrophic calcinosis can occur in tissue that is damaged or inflamed or has become malignant or died. Conditions that can lead to dystrophic calcinosis cutis are:
skin injury
skin infections
connective tissue diseases
Iatrogenic calcinosis: Iatrogenic calcinosis are typically attributed to certain medications and medical procedures such as repeated drawing of blood from an infant’s heel.
Metastatic calcinosis: Metastatic calcinosis can result from any medical condition associated with excess phosphorus (hyperphosphatemia) and calcium (hypercalcemia), including:
kidney failure
paraneoplastic hypercalcemia
milk-alkali syndrome
excess vitamin D
Idiopathic calcinosis: Idiopathic calcinosis cutis is calcinosis that can’t be attributed to a specific cause. The typical reasons have been ruled out: Phosphate and calcium levels in your body are normal. There is no evidence of previous tissue damage. You’re not taking medications that could trigger calcinosis. You haven’t had medical procedures recently that could trigger calcinosis.
Alternative Treatments
There are a few natural remedies you can try to treat calcium deposits on the skin:
Massage. Although not necessarily recommended by medical professionals, many people claim that massaging the affected area with aloe vera gel or olive oil eliminates the calcium deposits over time.
Diet. Many advocates of natural healing suggest lowering your calcium intake and avoiding foods such as dairy products can help.
Apple cider vinegar. Some believe that drinking 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed in 8 ounces of water every day will help break down calcium deposits.
Chanca piedra. Others suggest the herb chanca piedra can break down the buildup of calcium in the body.
Increase the amount of Vitamin K and magnesium in your diet. These nutrients may cause calcium deposits to occur in the body if you have a deficiency. Some dietary sources of Vitamin K and magnesium include collard greens, kale, green peas, seeds, spinach, beans, fish, carrots and lettuce.
Take warm soaks in the bathtub. Warm soaks can help treat and prevent calcium deposits from worsening. Fill up a tub with warm water and soak for a period of 20 to 30 minutes daily. If you have pain and inflammation as a result of calcium deposits, icing the area can help.
Consumption connection? Except in certain rare metabolic disturbances that raise blood calcium, calcification of joints and tendons is a local process that’s not influenced by calcium intake.
How To Make Homemade Magnesium Oil
½ cup magnesium chloride flakes
½ cup distilled water (to extend the shelf life)
Glass spray bottles
Bring ½ cup of distilled water to a boil.
Add ½ cup magnesium flakes to a glass measuring cup or bowl.
Once water has boiled, pour it into the bowl of magnesium flakes and stir until the flakes completely dissolve.
Let this mixture cool and transfer to labeled spray bottles for daily use.
Store your homemade magnesium oil at room temperature for up to 6 months.
To Use:
Start by using just a few sprays on your skin; initially no more than five. Over the next few days, gradually work up to 10-20 sprays a day. I like to apply my homemade magnesium oil in the crook of my arms, back of my knees, and stomach for best absorption.
It is also wise to do a patch test on your skin (particularly if you have sensitive skin) before applying the spray all over your body. A lot of people may initially experience tingling or a slight itching sensation where the oil is applied. This can be relieved by applying aloe vera on the site or coconut oil about 20 minutes after applying the oil (to give it a chance to absorb properly).