Prevent Viral Infections

2 years ago

Many, many people blindly follow their Doctor's advice and get a vaccine. What they don't do is find out what…

Cinnamon Bark

2 years ago

Cinnamon Bark (Cinnamomum cassia & verum) Cinnamomum cassia, called Chinese cassia or Chinese cinnamon, is an evergreen tree originating in…

Fitness for the Less Able

2 years ago

Mother Jai's provides fitness classes for people who are less capable. Jennifer created these unique classes for people who want…

Chamomile Flower

2 years ago

Chamomile Flowers (Matricaria recutita) These are the dried flowers you can purchase in bulk or in tea bags in the…


2 years ago

Catnip Leaf (Nepeta cataria) The flowering perennial known commonly as catnip, catmint, or catswort actually has the scientific name of…

Your Health

2 years ago

Personalized Health & Wellness Many of us are always on the look out for new and better ways to be…


2 years ago

Yellow Calendula True Marigold – Calendula officinalis Common Names Aklelmulk, Atunjaq, Calendula, Chin Chan Hua, Garden Marigold, Gold Bloom, Holligold,…

Cold Showers

2 years ago

Why You Should Take a Cold Shower Or, at the very least, rinse off with cold water. Taking a cold…


2 years ago

Buttermilk (aka Chaas) Buttermilk is a milk product or dairy ingredient which widely used in the food industry since it…

Blue Tansy

2 years ago

Blue Tansy essential oil (Tanacetum anuum) Blue Tansy Oil is a luxurious oil that is cherished for its captivating scent…

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