Rose Water
Rose water, derived from its petals, is good for rejuvenating skin and fighting skin problems like allergies and acne.
Therapeutic Compounds Found in Rose Water
- Geraniol, which has been shown to have antioxidant and anti-cancer effects
- Citronellyl acetate, which gives rose its pleasant flavor and aroma
- Citronellol (also found in citronella)
- Eugenol, a powerful antioxidant that fights oxidative stress
- Methyl eugenol, a natural antiseptic and anesthetic
- Nerol, a natural antibiotic compound
- Citral, which has antimicrobial properties
- Carvone, which acts as a digestive aid

Benefits of Using Rose Water
Acne: rose water is anti-inflammatory and astringent. A few drops on a cotton ball and clean your face with it.
Dandruff: using rose water on hair makes it stronger, shiner and less prone to dandruff. Its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties can also help defend against dermatitis on the scalp and ingrown hairs.
Eye Strain: rose water is healing and cooling. Dip a cotton ball in rose water and place over closed eye for 15 minutes.
Skin Allergies: the anti-inflammatory and healing properties of rose water calm and sooth irritated skin.
Sore Throat: using water as a gargle can relieve inflammation and heal irritated tissues.
Stress: the fragrance of rose is a mood enhancer it helps to calm the nerves and bring relaxation for better sleep.